


你的關注給我最大的鼓勵,訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道

肥丁是個相當健忘的人,要不是看到 Carol 老師的博文,可能完全忘記了客廳角落裏的自製日本味噌,急忙翻開蓋,發現開始釀製的日期是 2013 年 4 月29 日,已釀製約年半的時間了,因「忘」得福,味噌已經完全成熟,蓋子一開,湧出醉人的濃濃味噌香,再品嘗一下,甘、香、濃、醇,真是太幸福了。






材料 ( 可製作約 1400 g 味噌 )

Koji Amazon Link 👉 https://amzn.to/2TOW6d2



1. 黃豆洗淨,用清水浸泡一夜,把壞豆和沒有泡發的黃豆挑出來,倒掉泡過的水

2. 黃豆連同 1500 ml 清水煮沸,沸騰後改小火熬約 30 分鐘 ~ 1 小時。黃豆輕易用手指捏碎即可離火

3. 煮豆時,把米麴和海鹽放入木盆中,混合均勻。用來保存的容器以噴霧器均勻噴上白酒

4. 把煮軟的黃豆放進攪拌機中,加入約 60 ml 煮黃豆的湯汁,攪打成幼滑的黃豆泥

5. 把溫熱的黃豆泥放入盤內,用手混合攪拌至所有材料混合均勻

6. 把黃豆泥分成約 10 份,像傳接球一樣,以兩手交替打拍出黃豆泥的空氣,塑成球狀,以拋擲的方式丟進保存容器底部,用手從上往下壓,盡量擠出黃豆泥的空氣,壓得緊密愈好,以免雜菌滋生

7. 抹平表面,把海鹽 B 均勻撒在黃豆泥表面,再鋪一層烘培紙,盡量不要讓空氣接觸到黃豆泥,用保鮮袋包好陶瓷石壓在黃豆泥上 ( 任何不會發霉的重物都可以 ) ,蓋上保存容器的蓋子

8. 用牛皮紙 ( 遮光比較好 ) 把整個容器包起來,以防灰塵雜菌進入,寫上釀造日期,放在冷暗處,釀製最少 9 個月

9.  開始釀製太約 1 個月後,打開檢查味噌發酵的情況,正常情況會聞到黃豆發酵的香味,如表面有霉黴需要除去,然後再次抹平黃豆泥,表面噴白酒消毒,讓酒精揮發一會兒,更換新的保鮮膜或烘培紙,更換放陶瓷石的保鮮袋,重新壓在黃豆泥上,蓋好,用紙包起來,記錄檢查日期。開始釀製的 6 個月,每個月最好檢查 1 次

10. 當黃豆泥的顏色從淺黃色變為較深的焦糖色,如表面滲出如醬油般的液體更佳,表示完全成熟。開封後,直接取些味噌試味,味道應該充滿豆香,假如散發酒味,雖然並不難吃,但可能已經變壞,不宜食用。成熟的味噌可移到其他容器內 ( 宜用搪瓷或玻璃容器保存 ),拌勻,放進冰箱保存


米麴菌是一種帶有菌絲的真菌與黴菌,在中國和日本料理中,是製作醬油、味噌、味醂、鹽麴等調味料的酵種,米麴菌也可以用作酒或醋的酵種,混合米、麥等釀製米酒、清酒或米醋。香港讀者可到 CxxxSuper 或 吉x島找找,Google「米麴」也能找到網購的店址。


自製日本味噌【濃香醇厚】Homemade Miso


  • 600 g 有機黃豆
  • 1500 ml 清水( 煮黃豆用 )
  • 500 g 米麴  
  • 180 g 海鹽 A ( 不建議用精鹽 )
  • 50 g 海鹽 B
  • 酒精濃度 35% 度以上的白酒 ( 消毒用,肥丁用 Vodka )


  1. 黃豆連同 1500 ml 清水煮沸,沸騰後改小火熬約 30 分鐘 ~ 1 小時。黃豆輕易用手指捏碎即可離火

  2. 煮豆時,把米麴和海鹽放入木盆中,混合均勻。用來保存的容器以噴霧器均勻噴上白酒

  3. 把煮軟的黃豆放進攪拌機中,加入約 60 ml 煮黃豆的湯汁,攪打成幼滑的黃豆泥

  4. 把溫熱的黃豆泥放入盤內,用手混合攪拌至所有材料混合均勻

  5. 把黃豆泥分成約 10 份,像傳接球一樣,以兩手交替打拍出黃豆泥的空氣,塑成球狀,以拋擲的方式丟進保存容器底部,用手從上往下壓,盡量擠出黃豆泥的空氣,壓得緊密愈好,以免雜菌滋生

  6. 抹平表面,把海鹽 B 均勻撒在黃豆泥表面,再鋪一層烘培紙,盡量不要讓空氣接觸到黃豆泥,用保鮮袋包好陶瓷石壓在黃豆泥上 ( 任何不會發霉的重物都可以 ) ,蓋上保存容器的蓋子

  7. 用牛皮紙 ( 遮光比較好 ) 把整個容器包起來,以防灰塵雜菌進入,寫上釀造日期,放在冷暗處,釀製最少 9 個月 

  8. 開始釀製太約 1 個月後,打開檢查味噌發酵的情況,正常情況會聞到黃豆發酵的香味,如表面有霉黴需要除去,然後再次抹平黃豆泥,表面噴白酒消毒,讓酒精揮發一會兒,更換新的保鮮膜或烘培紙,更換放陶瓷石的保鮮袋,重新壓在黃豆泥上,蓋好,用紙包起來,記錄檢查日期。開始釀製的 6 個月,每個月最好檢查 1 次 

  9. 當黃豆泥的顏色從淺黃色變為較深的焦糖色,如表面滲出如醬油般的液體更佳,表示完全成熟。開封後,直接取些味噌試味,味道應該充滿豆香,假如散發酒味,雖然並不難吃,但可能已經變壞,不宜食用。成熟的味噌可移到其他容器內 ( 宜用搪瓷或玻璃容器保存 ),拌勻,放進冰箱保存


自製日本味噌【濃香醇厚】Homemade Miso

  • 600 g Organic Soy Bean
  • 1500 ml Water (Cooking)
  • 500 g Rice Koji
  • 180 g Sea Salt A
  • 50 g Sea Salt B
  • Vodka
  1. Wash soy beans then soaked overnight, next day pick away bad ones and those doesn’t expand, throw away the soaking water.
  2. Boil soaked soy beans with 1500 ml water , once piping hot turn to lowest temperature to boil for another 30-60mins. When you can squeeze soybeans easily by finger that’s mean it is ok so stop boiling.
  3. On the other hand, While boiling soybean, prepared your container and sterilise with alcohol. Mix well dry koji and sea salt in a sterilised wooden container.
  4. Blend all cooked soy beans in a blender with 60ml water from the previous beans boiling water to blend together otherwise too dry when blend.
  5. Add all the well blended soy bean paste into the prepared wooden container which have koji and sea salt, then mix them well by hand slowly.
  6. Following by both hands make this soybean paste (part 5) into a ball shape, try to separate them into 10 portion, it is very important is to squeeze as much air as you can from this ball, to avoid other bad bacteria growing from inside. Try different angle up and down, left and right to squeeze air out with both hands.
  7. Prepare and sterilised your fermented pot, put all the soy bean ball one by one close together and pressed down, pressed firmly, do not let them have air. You may need to use your whole palm to keep pressing firmly all soybean ball into the fermented pot and make it flat. Tossing evenly on the surface with sea salt (sea salt B) , then cover the surface with baking paper to disconnect and reduce chance to let soybean contact with air (it is to avoid other bad bacteria growing), Use glad plastic bag to wrap up ceramic rock as weight to put on top surface (anything that won’t grow mold), cover up with it’s own lid.
  8. Wrap the whole pot with Masking Tape/ OPP tape to avoid bacteria or dust to goes in, keep in somewhere cool and dry. Mark down your date of making, At least ferment for 9 months.
  9. About 1month old , need to open up and check , need to check once every month. When open up you should smell very fragrance fermented bean/miso , if you see mold on top, just scoop away , make it flat again, spray some alcohol (e.g. vodka) on top cover back with the baking paper, change the glad bag for the ceramic stone weight, do the same, cover back everything and let it continue ferment, let the nature do their job.
  10. When one day you open up and found your miso turning from light colour to caramel brown colour or surface got a layer of soy sauce like viola perfect, however it is still not fully ready yet. When you open up get a small spoon to taste it , if it taste is full of bean fragrance then it is done and ready however if it is full of alcohol fragrance that’s mean failure and need to discard it not recommended to consume. Those are ready to consume keep in glass jar then in fridge.

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