
Rock Candy ~ All Natural Color From Scratch

天然色素彩虹冰晶棒棒糖【甜蜜邂逅】Rock Candy ~ Natural Color From Scratch

   點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

I do not like to use artificial color, but want to make colorful effects.  I tried a variety of nearly 20 kinds of ingredients vegetables and fruits to do some experiments, selecting the most suitable for the production of red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple colours. As the natural ingredients of their own acid-base value will affect the crystallization of sugar, sour fruit or vegetables are not suitable for making these rock candy.

Ingredients Each color makes 1 ~ 2 Rock Sugar 

Original  ~ 300 g  Granulated Sugar (or Demerara Raw Cane Sugar) + 600 g Water

Pink ~ 600 g Pink Pitaya  ( 2 tbspPink Pitaya + 570 g Water ) + 300 g Granulated Sugar

Pink Pitaya on the sieve, squeeze out juice with a spoon, mixed with water

Orange 600 g Red Bell Pepper Juice 600 g (Blend 30 g Red Bell Pepper with 600 g Water ) + 300g Granulated Sugar

Yellow  600 g Yellow Bell Pepper Juice ( Blend 40 g Yellow Bell Pepper with 600 g Water ) + 300g Granulated Sugar

Green  600 g Green Bell Pepper Juice ( Blend 40 g Green Bell Pepper with 600 g Water ) + 300g Granulated Sugar

Dice Bell Pepper, blended with water using a hand blender or stand mixer.  Sieve to extract clear juice. The taste of bell pepper will be covered with sugar sweet when rock sugar done.

Blue  600 g Butterfly Pea Tea ( 15 pcs Dried Butterfly Pea + 600 g Water ) + 300 g Granulated Sugar

Pour 100ºC hot water to the cup with Dried Butterfly Pea.  Soak for 3 to 5 minutes, depending on how dark the colour of tea you are making.

Purple  15 pcs Grape Skin +  Water 600 g + 300g Granulated Sugar

Boil grape skin with 600 g of water until grape skin pigment turn the liquid to purple colour



Measure the exact volume of your glass cups before you start making the sugar syrup. Water will evaporated and reduced about half of the volume during the cooking process. If the capacity of cup is 200 ml, then the sugar syrup needs about 350 g of water  {water ml ÷ 2}. Sugar syrup should be full cup as possible, so that the wooden sticks can be dipped into sugar syrup and leave enough space to the bottom of the cup.


1. Fix a wooden skewer with a clothspins 

Use a wooden skewer as the base of your rock candy, and use clothespins balanced across the top of the jar to clip it into place. Lower the skewer vertically to the center of an empty cup. Adjust the height of wooden skewer hang 1 to 2 cm from the bottom.  The wooden stick should not touch the bottom of the glasses.

2. Roll the skewer with granulated sugar 

Prepare the natural pigment liquid, add sugar, stir well, let sugar dissolve and stop stirring. Cook until the temperature reach 103ºC, remove the pan from heat. Wet the wooden skewer into the sugar syrup, drops the excess. Sprinkle granulated sugar evenly onto the skewer, try not to roll it. This base layer will give the sugar crystals something to “grab” when sugar start crystalline. Set the skewer in the freezer to dry while you prepare your sugar syrup.

3. Cooking the sugar syrup 

Place the prepared colour liquid in a medium-sized pan, adding the sugar, stir until dissolved and bring it to a boil.  When all the sugar dissolved, DO NOT STIR during the whole simmering process. In the boiling process water evaporated,  the sugar concentration increased, the bubble wiping from large to small.  The syrup takes a long time to reach 105ºC from 100ºC. Once it rises to 106ºC, the temperature rise rapidly, so do not walk away after 105ºC.  Remember,  do not stir the sugar syrup. When the sugar syrup reach 110°C, remove from heat. Carefully move to the table and let it stand until the syrup bubble stop rolling. Pour immediately poured into the prepared cup. DO NOT STIR, otherwise the syrup will be cloudy. You will only get clear crystal with clear sugar syrup.

4. Let syrup cool, insert the skewer 

Allow the sugar syrup to cool until the temperature drops to 65 ~ 70°C.  Lower the skewer vertically and slowly until it hangs about 1 inch from the bottom.  DON’T try to adjust the height of skewer inside the syrup. Make sure that the sugar on the skewer is not falling down. If it did, the syrup is too hot, take away the skewer and let it cool a little bit more and insert a new skewer again.

5. Crystallisation 

Carefully place your cups in a warm place, better on a wooden surface other than metallic one. Away from harsh lights, where it can sit undisturbed.  25°C ~ 30°C is the best room temperature for making rock sugar.

6.  Crystal Layer 

You should start to see sugar crystals forming within 12 hours. If a crystal layer formed on the surface of syrup. Just let it be.

7. Finish 

Allow the rock candy to grow 2 ~ 3 days until it is the size you want. Don’t let it grow too large, otherwise the crystal might start growing onto the sides of your cup ! Once it has reached the size you want, remove it and hang it in a empty cup. Allow it to dry for about 12 hours. Then enjoy or wrap in plastic bag to serve it for later.

天然色素彩虹冰晶棒棒糖【甜蜜邂逅】Rock Candy ~ Natural Color From Scratch

  • (濃縮後的糖漿容量約 360 ml,每個分量可製作1 ~ 2根直徑約 2 cm 的棒棒糖)
  • 白 ~ 白砂糖 300 g + 清水600 g (如不吃白砂糖,可改用原蔗糖代替)
  • 紅 ~ 紅肉火龍果汁 600 g (紅肉火龍果汁2 湯匙 + 清水570 g + 白砂糖 300 g)


  • 橙 ~ 紅色甜椒汁 600 g (紅色甜椒 30 g + 清水600 g + 白砂糖300g)
  • 黃 ~ 黃色甜椒汁 600 g (黃色甜椒 40 g + 清水600 g + 白砂糖300g)
  • 綠 ~ 綠色甜椒汁 600 g (綠色甜椒 40 g + 清水 600 g + 白砂糖300g)


  • 藍 ~ 蝶豆花茶 600 g (蝶豆花乾 15 顆 + 清水600 g + 白砂糖300g)

蝶豆花乾以100ºC 熱水沖泡:

  • 紫 ~ 葡萄皮 15 顆 + 清水600 g + 白砂糖 300g

葡萄皮放入 600 g 清水中,加熱,葡萄皮的色素熬煮成紫色液體:


  1. 用木衣夾夾著木棒,慢慢垂直插入杯子的正中央,架好,調整木衣夾的高度。木棒與杯底要預留約 1 至 2 cm,不可接觸杯子的底部。木棒探入杯子的高度,便是木捧要沾上糖的長度。


  1. 預備天然色素的液體,加入砂糖,先攪拌一下,讓砂糖溶解,放入溫度計的探針。開火,以最大火煮至沸騰,攪拌一下確定砂糖完全溶化,成為混濁的液體,然後整個過程都不能再攪拌,調至中火,煮至約 103°C,把木棒放入糖水中,把多餘的糖水滴下,在沾黏糖水的部份均勻撒上砂糖,放入冰箱冷凍庫急凍,木棒上砂糖要完全乾掉變硬才能使用。


  1. 糖水放回爐上,繼續熬煮至 110°C,期間不要攪拌,泡抹由大變小,在熬煮過程中蒸發水份,糖水濃度增加。糖漿從100°C到達 105°C需時較長,一旦上升到106°C,升溫速度便會非常快,所以到達 105°C 後便不要走開,一定要看著。糖漿煮到 110°C,不要攪拌,離火,小心移動平放在桌,離火後滾動的糖漿泡泡便會消失,立即倒進玻璃杯內,不要攪動,否則糖漿會容易反砂,冰晶不集中在棒上凝固,做不到晶瑩捧捧糖的效果。

註:糖水的份量愈多,糖漿到達 110°C 的時間愈長:


  1. 糖漿在杯內降溫到 65 ~ 70°C (觸摸杯表面時不燙手) ,放入完全晾乾的上糖木棒。把預先調較好位置的木棒垂直插入糖漿中間,僅記不可在糖漿裏調整木棒的高度,否則攪動會形成泡泡,結晶就不夠晶瑩剔透。確認木棒上的糖粒沒掉下就可以。如果糖漿溫度太高,把木棒上的糖粒溶掉,結晶就不會附在木棒上,木棒要取出,待糖漿再放涼一點,再放入一根新的木棒。



  1. 糖結晶會出現在糖水濃度最高及溫度低的地方。經過冷藏的木棒有糖,溫度低於周圍的液體,糖的濃度高於周圍,所以糖結晶很快就會在木棒周圍形成。杯子最好放在木板或厚紙皮上面,別把杯子放在金屬盤或桌面上,否則杯底降溫太快,結晶便會集結在杯底,影響木棒附近的結晶。溫差是製作棒棒糖的大忌,最好選擇比較溫暖而且恆溫的位置擺放,冰箱頂部或附近或曬不到太陽的地方都可以

註:室溫 25°C ~ 30°C 最適合製作。冬天室溫低,杯子周圍溫度下降太快,容易失敗:


  1. 期間糖漿表面如果形成結晶層,可讓糖漿處於密封的狀態,更有利木棒結晶,不用戳破,否則表面的結晶會掉到下面,和木棒表面的結晶黏在一起,做成不規則結晶,影響棒棒糖的形狀。


  1. 如果表面沒有結晶層,直接取出來就行。如表面有結層,用竹籤把表面戳破,輕輕把木棒提起來,放在連同木衣夾架在一個乾淨的杯子裏,糖漿自然滴落,約 12 ~ 24 小時,棒棒糖完全晾乾就是完成了。這配方結晶約 2 ~ 3 天便以看到結晶成品,結晶長到你喜歡的大小就可以取出。如喜歡棒棒糖粗大一些,可延長結晶的時間。棒棒糖的尾端可能集結了不規則形狀,未乾透前趁棒棒糖的結晶還脆弱,可用手剝開

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