
Raw Banana Icecream ( Diary Free )

Raw Banana Icecream ( Diary Free )

  • 熟香蕉 Ripe Bananas   6 根 (約 1200 g)
  • 純天然花生醬 Homemade Peanut Butter    6 大匙 (不吃花生可省略)
  • 無糖可可粉 Unsweetened Cocoa Powder    6 大匙 (味道視乎個別牌子,可酌量增減)
  1. 把 100 g 的花生放在烤盤上,送入烤箱以 150°C 烤約 20 分鐘。家裏沒有烤箱,下鑊炒也可以
  2. 花生稍為放涼,用手磨擦花生,花生殼便很容易剝下。花生放入攪拌機中,打碎成小團狀,再打成幼滑的油膏狀
  3. 香蕉剝皮,切薄片,放入鋪了烘焙紙的保鮮盒或保鮮袋中,放入冰箱冷凍庫 2 小時或以上,香蕉冰硬才能用
  4. 把冰硬的香蕉片放入性能好的攪拌機內,如香蕉片黏在一起盡量用手分開,加入花生醬、無糖可可粉,以高速攪拌至乳化,若感覺有些硬塊仍未攪勻,可靜待一會讓香蕉稍為回溫,再繼續攪拌至幼滑

This home made raw vegan banana ice cream is delicious and so easy to make in your blender and ice cream maker. This is probably the simplest and amazing raw food recipe I have ever made.

Raw Banana Chocolate Ice Cream —• Ingredients

Homemade Peanut Butter —• Preparation

1. Lay all peanuts on the baking tray, baked in the oven at 150°C for about 20 minutes. If you don’t have oven, it can be fried with wok over low heat

2. Let peanut cool a bit but still warm, rub peanut with both of your hands, peanut shells will easily peeled off. Blend peanuts in the blender, break into small lumps first then continue blending to a smooth peanut butter

Raw Banana Chocolate Ice Cream  Preparation

1. Peel banana, cut into thin slices, put into a zip bag or any container with a baking paper. Freeze it for 2 hours or more, until banana is hard enough for blending

2. Separate any slices of banana by hand as much as possible, don’t let it stick together because it is hard to blend. Put into blender, add peanut butter and unsweetened cocoa powder. Blend with high speed to emulsify.  If there are some lumps, wait for a while until bananas are slightly thawed, then continue blending until smooth

3. The banana ice cream is ready to serve just blended. The texture is as soft as ice cream. If you like firm texture, put it back to freezer 2 to 3 hours, you can dig ice cream ball easily.


Strawberry Icecream 

Raw Banana Icecream ( Diary Free )

  • 熟香蕉 Ripe Bananas   6 根 (約 1200 g)
  • 純天然花生醬 Homemade Peanut Butter    6 大匙 (不吃花生可省略)
  • 無糖可可粉 Unsweetened Cocoa Powder    6 大匙 (味道視乎個別牌子,可酌量增減)
  1. 把 100 g 的花生放在烤盤上,送入烤箱以 150°C 烤約 20 分鐘。家裏沒有烤箱,下鑊炒也可以
  2. 花生稍為放涼,用手磨擦花生,花生殼便很容易剝下。花生放入攪拌機中,打碎成小團狀,再打成幼滑的油膏狀
  3. 香蕉剝皮,切薄片,放入鋪了烘焙紙的保鮮盒或保鮮袋中,放入冰箱冷凍庫 2 小時或以上,香蕉冰硬才能用
  4. 把冰硬的香蕉片放入性能好的攪拌機內,如香蕉片黏在一起盡量用手分開,加入花生醬、無糖可可粉,以高速攪拌至乳化,若感覺有些硬塊仍未攪勻,可靜待一會讓香蕉稍為回溫,再繼續攪拌至幼滑

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