
Homemade Garlic & Onion Powder

Homemade Garlic & Onion Powder

  • 洋蔥 340 g (2 個 可製作約 40 g 洋蔥粉)
  • 獨子蒜頭 200 g (10 顆 可製作約 80 g 蒜粉)
  1. 洋蔥切去根部,抓緊頂部,用切片器切成薄薄的洋蔥圈
  2. 蒜頭切去根部,便能用刀輕易去皮,蒜頭滾來滾去,先切半,再成薄片 ( 盡量切薄一點 )
  3. 把洋蔥、蒜頭鋪在烤盤上,以 90ºC 烘乾約 4 小時 ( 如烤箱最低 100ºC,把烤箱門留一點空隙也可以 ),肥丁用風乾機的,蒜頭 90ºC 風乾約 4 小時,洋蔥 90ºC 風乾約 2 小時, 時間視乎當日的溫度和濕度,如天氣乾燥,很適宜烘乾,洋蔥用切片器切得很薄,比蒜頭快一點烘乾
  4. 當蒜片和洋蔥片烘得變脆,便可以放入打磨機打粉,打至完全沒有粉粒,裝瓶,用乾淨的毛刷可以幫你把所有的粉末都掃出來不浪費
  5. 蒜粉和洋蔥粉很容易受潮結塊,預備密封度高的罐子 ( 上面的果醬瓶不行 ) 和一些食物吸濕包 ( 可用果仁或零食包裝面裏的小包防潮珠 ),放在乾爽的地方,盡快使用



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Have you tried making homemade garlic powder and onion powder? It is the freshest option so here is the basic recipe. Fresh ingredient, no additives, no preservatives.



1. Cut onion roots, grasp the top, cut into thin rings using a slicer.

2. Garlic, Cut the garlic roots, then it can be easily peeled with a knife.  Cut into half, thinly sliced with  slicer

3. Lay onion & garlic slices on baking sheet. Dry in a food dehydrator or oven for about four hours to 90ºC. If you’re oven minium temperature is 100ºC, leave a little gar with the oven door. My food dehydrator dried garlic at 90ºC takes about 4 hours;  onion takes about 2 hours, depending on temperature and humidity of the day. Therefore, fall is very suitable for drying. Try to cut onion and garlic as thin as possible to speed up the drying process.

4. When the garlic and onion slices become crispy, it is dry enough to be grind into powder with a blender or food processor. Grind until no lumps. Use a brush to sweep out all the powder are not wasted.

5. Homemade Garlic powder and onion powder easily damp and form a lump. Stored in a air-tight contanier with desiccant silica gel for 3 months to half year. Avoid sunshine and use as soon as possible.  If it become moist. break it with fork, dry again and grind.


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