
Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake 藍莓芝士(起司)蛋糕【免烤/無蛋奶素食可】

藍莓芝士(起司)蛋糕【免烤/無蛋奶素食可】Vegan Blueberry Cheesecake


  • 碧根果/美國杏仁  40 g
  • 榛子 Hazenut  40 g
  • 杏仁粉 Ground Almond 25 g
  • 風乾無花果 Dried Figs 2 顆
  • 冷壓椰子油 Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 1 大匙


  • 原味腰果 Raw Cashews  300 g (不使用鹽烤)
  • 楓糖漿 Maple Syrup 3 大匙
  • 冷壓椰子油  Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 2 大匙
  • 鮮榨檸檬汁 Fresh Lemon Juice   2 大匙 (約半個 )
  • 凍乾藍莓 Freezed-dried Blueberries  8 g
  • 自製香草精 (自製雲呢拿香精 Homemade Vanilla Extract  ¼ 小匙 ( 自製香草精點這裏 ))


  • 新鮮藍莓 Blueberries
  • 鮮採薄荷葉 Fresh Mint
  1. 腰果用煮過放涼的冷水浸泡 8 小時,夏天要放進冰箱
  2. 椰漿放入小鍋中煮沸,放涼備用
  3. 製作餅底。碧根果、榛子放進烤箱烤100ºC 烤 15 分鐘,取出放涼。放入攪拌機,加入杏仁粉,剪碎的無花果乾,打許成粗顆粒,停機,不要攪拌過度變成堅果醬。加入冷壓椰子油,打約 10 秒,堅果碎產生少許黏性,即可停機
  4. 將煮食紙剪裁成 18.5 x 3.5 cm 的長條形,鋪在 Mini 保鮮密實盒內,舀入一大匙的餅底放入盒內,輕輕壓實
  5. 攪拌杯不用清洗,加入腰果、椰漿、冷壓椰子油,香草精、鮮榨檸檬汁放入攪拌機中,打成綿密奶油狀的腰果泥
  6. 每盒平均舀入約 2 小 匙的腰果泥,抹平
  7. 餘下的腰果泥加入凍乾藍莓,啟動攪拌機打成紫色的腰果泥,平均舀入密實盒內,抹平,蓋上盒蓋,放進冷凍庫(冰格),冷藏約 3 小時
  8. 從冷凍庫取出,起蓋,用刀輕刮邊緣,雙手提起煮食紙便可以輕易把整個芝士蛋糕取出,室溫回溫約 10 ~ 15 分鐘,回軟成適合食用的硬度,也可以放入保溫袋,外帶野餐



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For the Crust

For the Cheesecake

For the Decoration



1. Soak cashews in cooked cold water for at least 8 hours.  Placed in fridge in the summer.

2. Boil coconut milk in a small saucepan, cool down and set aside.

3. Prepare the Crust.   Bake pecans and hazelnuts in oven with 100ºC for 15 minutes. Cool down before add to a food processor or a high power blender. Blend until it comes coarse and stop. Add 1 tbsp coconut oil and continue to blend for about 10 seconds until it comes together into a sort of sticky dough with coarse bits remaining. Don’t over blend into nut butter.

4. Line cooking paper strips into the Mini Round for easy removal.  Press the pecan almond dough evenly along the bottom of the prepared pan.

5. In the same food processor, add soaked cashews, cooked coconut milk, coconut oil,  homemade vanilla extract and fresh squeezed lemon juice.  Blend until the mixture is silky smooth and creamy. Taste the mixture and adjusts sweetness levels if desired.

6.  Pour half of the filling evenly into 8 Mini Round over the pecan almond crust. Smooth out the top.

7.  Add the freeze-dried blueberries to the remaining batter and blend to incorperate. Spread over the plain layer. Cover the lid and place in the freezer for about 3 hours.

8. Take out from freezer, open the lid, wipe the edge with a knife, remove from the Mini Round.  Let the cheesecake thaw at room temperature for 10 ~ 15 minutes before serving. Store in the freezer for up to 2 weeks.  Place in a isothermic bag if you want to takeaway for picnic.


  • 碧根果/美國杏仁  40 g
  • 榛子 Hazenut  40 g
  • 杏仁粉 Ground Almond 25 g
  • 風乾無花果 Dried Figs 2 顆
  • 冷壓椰子油 Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 1 大匙


  • 原味腰果 Raw Cashews  300 g (不使用鹽烤)
  • 楓糖漿 Maple Syrup 3 大匙
  • 冷壓椰子油  Cold Pressed Coconut Oil 2 大匙
  • 鮮榨檸檬汁 Fresh Lemon Juice   2 大匙 (約半個 )
  • 凍乾藍莓 Freezed-dried Blueberries  8 g
  • 自製香草精 (自製雲呢拿香精 Homemade Vanilla Extract  ¼ 小匙 ( 自製香草精點這裏 ))


  • 新鮮藍莓 Blueberries
  • 鮮採薄荷葉 Fresh Mint
  1. 腰果用煮過放涼的冷水浸泡 8 小時,夏天要放進冰箱
  2. 椰漿放入小鍋中煮沸,放涼備用
  3. 製作餅底。碧根果、榛子放進烤箱烤100ºC 烤 15 分鐘,取出放涼。放入攪拌機,加入杏仁粉,剪碎的無花果乾,打許成粗顆粒,停機,不要攪拌過度變成堅果醬。加入冷壓椰子油,打約 10 秒,堅果碎產生少許黏性,即可停機
  4. 將煮食紙剪裁成 18.5 x 3.5 cm 的長條形,鋪在 Mini 保鮮密實盒內,舀入一大匙的餅底放入盒內,輕輕壓實
  5. 攪拌杯不用清洗,加入腰果、椰漿、冷壓椰子油,香草精、鮮榨檸檬汁放入攪拌機中,打成綿密奶油狀的腰果泥
  6. 每盒平均舀入約 2 小 匙的腰果泥,抹平
  7. 餘下的腰果泥加入凍乾藍莓,啟動攪拌機打成紫色的腰果泥,平均舀入密實盒內,抹平,蓋上盒蓋,放進冷凍庫(冰格),冷藏約 3 小時
  8. 從冷凍庫取出,起蓋,用刀輕刮邊緣,雙手提起煮食紙便可以輕易把整個芝士蛋糕取出,室溫回溫約 10 ~ 15 分鐘,回軟成適合食用的硬度,也可以放入保溫袋,外帶野餐


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