
Square Watermelon Bread ~ 60 Minutes Tangzhong Method ( Diary & Egg Free )

Square Watermelon Bread ~ 60 Minutes Tangzhong Method ( Diary & Egg Free )


  • 正方形吐司模 12 cm 長寬高


  • 高筋麵粉 Bread Flour 250 g
  • 原蔗糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 20 g (2 大匙)
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/4 小匙
  • 豆漿煉乳 Homemade Condensed Soymilk 20 g (普通煉乳當然可以,自製豆漿煉乳點這裏)
  • 葡萄乾 Raisins 20 ~ 30 顆


  • 速發酵母 Instant Yeast 2 小匙
  • 30 °C 溫水 Warm Water 150 ml


  • 高筋麵粉 Bread Flour 20 g
  • 清水 Water 50 ml


  • 紅麴粉 Red Rice Yeast Powder 1 大匙
  • 抹茶粉 Matcha Powder 2 小匙
  • 1 小匙可可粉 + 2 小匙芝麻粉 +1 小匙抹茶粉
  1. 製作酵母水 ~ 混合冷熱水,用溫度計測量,調整至水溫約 30°C。放入量杯中,加入速發酵母,攪拌至酵母完全溶化,備用
  2. 製作湯種 ~ 高筋麵粉及水倒入淺鍋中,攪拌至溶化。開中火加熱,攪拌到有點黏手的半透明半固體狀,別加熱過頭變硬就不能用。離火,冷卻備用
  3. 高筋麵粉,原蔗糖、岩鹽、煉奶、湯種倒入大盤中稍為混合一下,倒入酵母水
  4. 用手把麵粉整體混合,再用力握緊把所有材料黏在一起,然後稍加搓揉,搓成一糰不太黏手就算完成。麵糰不需要搓揉很多,也不需要起筋膜
  5. 量度一下麵糰的總重量,把麵糰分割成為 4 個不同大小的份量,以製作西瓜不同的部份,麵糰總重量約 500 g,加入不同天然色粉

170 g + 1 大匙紅麴粉:

170 g +2 小匙抹茶:

110 g (原白色):

50 g + 1 小匙可可粉 + 2 小匙芝麻粉 +1 小匙抹茶粉:

  1. 按照麵糰的大小加入色粉,色粉需時與麵糰融合,所以只需要把色粉全部揉進麵糰裡,還有少許不均勻不要緊,不用過度搓揉。麵糰在這階段仍有點粗糙感,稍後再次塑型時,麵糰就會光滑,顏色也會均勻
  2. 兩手將麵糰從四方八面拉下,把底部的收口黏在一起,塑成圓型,蓋上檸乾的濕布,讓麵糰靜置 5 分鐘
  3. 工作枱上撒少許高筋麵粉
  4. 取可可麵糰,壓成薄扁圓形,再用麵棍壓成扁長形,用刮刀切成條狀
  5. 取原白色麵糰,輕輕壓成薄圓形
  6. 取紅麴麵糰,用手輕輕將麵糰壓扁,輕輕壓出空氣, 加入葡萄乾,迅速將麵糰從四方八面拉下,把底部的收口黏在一起,塑成圓型,收口朝下放在原白色麵糰上
  7. 原白色麵糰把紅色麵糰包起來,塑圓,收口朝下
  8. 取抹茶麵糰,輕輕壓成薄圓形,把可可長條從中央放射式等距離,黏貼在抹茶麵糰上,作西瓜外皮的條紋。抹茶麵糰的直徑最好是原白色麵糰的一倍,否則不能完全包裹原白色麵糰,會影響顏色層次,麵糰若難以擀開,可靜置鬆弛 5 ~ 10 分鐘
  9. 把原白色麵糰放在綠色麵糰無條紋那一面的正中央,包起來,接縫處盡量平整,烤出效果較佳,若有開口未收合,烤的過程易讓西瓜皮變形,收口朝下放入模具中
  10. 用噴霧器將表面噴濕,蓋上濕布,放入預先調較至 40°C 的烤箱中,熄火,把麵糰和放一盤 60 ~ 70°C 的熱水進去,關閉烤箱發酵 30 分鐘,麵糰膨脹至 9 分滿,發酵完成
  11. 先將麵糰從烤箱取出,表面用噴霧器噴濕。以 180°C 預熱烤箱約 5 ~ 10 分鐘,將吐司模具帶蓋 170°C 烘烤約 35 ~ 40 分鐘取出,噴水測試,如水噴在烤熱的吐司模上立即蒸發掉,吐司是差不多全熟了,可以取出,倒出放涼後切片。如還有水珠,就要多烤一會再測試


   點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

A Taiwanese bakery has invented a loaf of bread that looks just like the equally bizarre square watermelons popular in Japan.

According to Jimmy’s Bakery, which invented this twisted masterpiece, it was designed to get kids excited about eating bread during the hot summer months when their appetites decrease. The bread uses natural dyes – green tea for the rind, strawberries for the flesh, and charcoal for the seeds.

In my recipes, I use red rice yeast powder for the flesh, cocoa powder and sesame powder for the rind, raisins as seeds. There is so much fun making the bread and delicious to eat.  You may still enjoy watermelon on winter’s day, though it might be little disappointing to bite on not the real fruit.

Toast Mold


Yeast Water


Natural Colour Powder



1.  Dissolve instant yeast in the 30 °C warm water, set aside.

2. Whisk flour and water in the saucepan. Place over medium heat on the stove. Cook, whisk constanly, until the mixture thicken into a pudding-like consistency. Let the tangzhong cool to room temperature before use.

3.  In a mixing bowl, mix demerara sugar, salt, condensed soy milk and tangzong together. Pour in the yeast liquid.

4. Mix all the ingredient together to form a dough. It is not necessary to beat the dough. It is fine if the dough is not smooth and elastic.

5.  Divide into four parts according to below portions:

6. Put a natural colouring powder onto each of the dough, knead slightly to roll in between dough till colouring start to incorporated. It is fine if the colour is not evenly incorporated into the dough.

7. Shape the dough into a ball. Cover with a damp cloth. Rest for 5 minutes.

8. Transfer the Dark Green dough to a floured surface.

9. Roll out the dough with a rolling pin. Cut it into thin strips. Cover with damp cloth and set aside.

10. Place the red dough on the table and lightly dust it with flour. Add raisins and knead again until the raisins are incorporated into the dough. Shape to a ball.

11. Transfer the White dough to a floured surface. Roll out to a thin round dough. Make sure the white dough is large enough to cover the red dough. Wrap the white dough around the red dough. Make sure the red dough is completely covered by the white dough and pinch the seams firmly to seal.

13. Place the white dough onto the no strips surface. Wrap the white dough around the red dough. Make sure the white dough is completely covered by the green dough and pinch the seams firmly to seal.

14. Place the dough into a square bread mold. Spray some water and cover with a damp cloth.

15. Preheated oven to 40°C. Put the bread mold and a cup of 60 ~ 70°C  hot water into oven and turn of the oven. Close the door and leave it to doubled in size just near to the mold top.

16. Take out the bread mold from the oven. Spary some water over the dough. Preheat the oven to 180°C. Bake 170°C about 35 ~ 40 minutes.

17. Remove from the oven and take it out from the bread pan immediately; let it cool on the rack. Slice to triangular shape and enjoy.

Square Watermelon Bread ~ 60 Minutes Tangzhong Method ( Diary & Egg Free )


  • 正方形吐司模 12 cm 長寬高


  • 高筋麵粉 Bread Flour 250 g
  • 原蔗糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 20 g (2 大匙)
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/4 小匙
  • 豆漿煉乳 Homemade Condensed Soymilk 20 g (普通煉乳當然可以,自製豆漿煉乳點這裏)
  • 葡萄乾 Raisins 20 ~ 30 顆


  • 速發酵母 Instant Yeast 2 小匙
  • 30 °C 溫水 Warm Water 150 ml


  • 高筋麵粉 Bread Flour 20 g
  • 清水 Water 50 ml


  • 紅麴粉 Red Rice Yeast Powder 1 大匙
  • 抹茶粉 Matcha Powder 2 小匙
  • 1 小匙可可粉 + 2 小匙芝麻粉 +1 小匙抹茶粉
  1. 製作酵母水 ~ 混合冷熱水,用溫度計測量,調整至水溫約 30°C。放入量杯中,加入速發酵母,攪拌至酵母完全溶化,備用
  2. 製作湯種 ~ 高筋麵粉及水倒入淺鍋中,攪拌至溶化。開中火加熱,攪拌到有點黏手的半透明半固體狀,別加熱過頭變硬就不能用。離火,冷卻備用
  3. 高筋麵粉,原蔗糖、岩鹽、煉奶、湯種倒入大盤中稍為混合一下,倒入酵母水
  4. 用手把麵粉整體混合,再用力握緊把所有材料黏在一起,然後稍加搓揉,搓成一糰不太黏手就算完成。麵糰不需要搓揉很多,也不需要起筋膜
  5. 量度一下麵糰的總重量,把麵糰分割成為 4 個不同大小的份量,以製作西瓜不同的部份,麵糰總重量約 500 g,加入不同天然色粉

170 g + 1 大匙紅麴粉:

170 g +2 小匙抹茶:

110 g (原白色):

50 g + 1 小匙可可粉 + 2 小匙芝麻粉 +1 小匙抹茶粉:

  1. 按照麵糰的大小加入色粉,色粉需時與麵糰融合,所以只需要把色粉全部揉進麵糰裡,還有少許不均勻不要緊,不用過度搓揉。麵糰在這階段仍有點粗糙感,稍後再次塑型時,麵糰就會光滑,顏色也會均勻
  2. 兩手將麵糰從四方八面拉下,把底部的收口黏在一起,塑成圓型,蓋上檸乾的濕布,讓麵糰靜置 5 分鐘
  3. 工作枱上撒少許高筋麵粉
  4. 取可可麵糰,壓成薄扁圓形,再用麵棍壓成扁長形,用刮刀切成條狀
  5. 取原白色麵糰,輕輕壓成薄圓形
  6. 取紅麴麵糰,用手輕輕將麵糰壓扁,輕輕壓出空氣, 加入葡萄乾,迅速將麵糰從四方八面拉下,把底部的收口黏在一起,塑成圓型,收口朝下放在原白色麵糰上
  7. 原白色麵糰把紅色麵糰包起來,塑圓,收口朝下
  8. 取抹茶麵糰,輕輕壓成薄圓形,把可可長條從中央放射式等距離,黏貼在抹茶麵糰上,作西瓜外皮的條紋。抹茶麵糰的直徑最好是原白色麵糰的一倍,否則不能完全包裹原白色麵糰,會影響顏色層次,麵糰若難以擀開,可靜置鬆弛 5 ~ 10 分鐘
  9. 把原白色麵糰放在綠色麵糰無條紋那一面的正中央,包起來,接縫處盡量平整,烤出效果較佳,若有開口未收合,烤的過程易讓西瓜皮變形,收口朝下放入模具中
  10. 用噴霧器將表面噴濕,蓋上濕布,放入預先調較至 40°C 的烤箱中,熄火,把麵糰和放一盤 60 ~ 70°C 的熱水進去,關閉烤箱發酵 30 分鐘,麵糰膨脹至 9 分滿,發酵完成
  11. 先將麵糰從烤箱取出,表面用噴霧器噴濕。以 180°C 預熱烤箱約 5 ~ 10 分鐘,將吐司模具帶蓋 170°C 烘烤約 35 ~ 40 分鐘取出,噴水測試,如水噴在烤熱的吐司模上立即蒸發掉,吐司是差不多全熟了,可以取出,倒出放涼後切片。如還有水珠,就要多烤一會再測試

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