
Homemade Garlic Butter Recipe ( from scratch )

香蒜奶油【元氣滿滿】Homemade Garlic Butter

Homemade Garlic Butter Recipe ( from scratch )

  • 無鹽奶油 Unsalted Butter 150 g
  • 鮮採羅勒葉 Fresh Basil 10 片
  • 多瓣蒜頭 Garlic 1 顆
  • 獨子蒜頭 Solo Garlic 1 顆
  • 油 Oil 適量
  • 海鹽、胡椒粉 Sea Salt & Pepper 適量
  • 法式長棍 Baguette 隨意
  1. 奶油置於室溫放軟,用手指輕壓下凹即可切丁,備用。預熱烤箱140ºC
  2. 剝開多瓣蒜頭,均勻塗油,蓋上鋁箔紙烤 20 分鐘,把蒜頭烤軟,剝開蒜皮,剁成蒜泥,放涼。高溫烘培蒜頭,宜選高煙點的苦茶油或酪梨油
  3. 獨子蒜用刀拍扁,去皮,磨泥。羅勒葉撕碎
  4. 混合奶油、烤過和沒烤過的蒜泥、羅勒葉、海鹽和胡椒粉,攪拌均勻
  5. 奶油用烘焙紙捲成圓柱體,擰緊兩端,放入冰箱冷藏最少 3 天,減低蒜頭刺激的味道。 食用時塗抹在麵包上,送進 100ºC 烤箱烤10 ~ 15 分鐘,即可,保質期約 2 週
  6. 如想延長保質期,把冷藏的圓柱體切厚片,每片獨立用烘焙紙包裝放進冷凍庫 (放冰塊的地方),使用時就不用整柱退冰,保質期可延長至 2 ~ 3 個月

? 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Garlic and butter combine to make a delicious and creamy spread that you can put on bread, toast, corn on the cob, burgers, or anything else. It can also be sauce to drizzle on meat, vegetables, or use in potato or gravy recipes and much more ! 


【How to soften butter quickly ?】


1. Let the butter sit, covered, at room temperature until it’s soft and can be easily spread with a knife. Put the softened butter into a medium-sized bowl. Preheat the oven to 140ºC

2. Break the garlic into pieces, brush the surface with some oil, coverd with aluminium foil and baked for 20 minutes.  Let it cool, peel and diced.

3. For the solo garlic, peel off the skin. Mince finely with a knife or mash with a mortar and pestle.

4. Add the roasted and mashed garlic to the butter.  Add salt, pepper, and herb. Use a whisk or beaters to combine all the ingredients. This will help incorporate air into the mixture and make it light, fluffy, and whipped.

5. Covered with baking paper and twist both side. It is best to taste after refrigerated for 3 days since the garlic will be less stimulating.Put the garlic butter on wax paper and roll it into a log. Chill in the fridge until it has started to harden. Unused garlic butter should be refrigerated and should be used within 2 weeks to prevent botulism.

6. With a knife, divide the butter log into disks that are one-half to one-inch thick. Once it’s frozen, these can be pulled out individually and used without thawing the whole log. Cover the butter in the wax paper and freeze for two to three months.

Homemade Garlic Butter Recipe ( from scratch )

  • 無鹽奶油 Unsalted Butter 150 g
  • 鮮採羅勒葉 Fresh Basil 10 片
  • 多瓣蒜頭 Garlic 1 顆
  • 獨子蒜頭 Solo Garlic 1 顆
  • 油 Oil 適量
  • 海鹽、胡椒粉 Sea Salt & Pepper 適量
  • 法式長棍 Baguette 隨意
  1. 奶油置於室溫放軟,用手指輕壓下凹即可切丁,備用。預熱烤箱140ºC
  2. 剝開多瓣蒜頭,均勻塗油,蓋上鋁箔紙烤 20 分鐘,把蒜頭烤軟,剝開蒜皮,剁成蒜泥,放涼。高溫烘培蒜頭,宜選高煙點的苦茶油或酪梨油
  3. 獨子蒜用刀拍扁,去皮,磨泥。羅勒葉撕碎
  4. 混合奶油、烤過和沒烤過的蒜泥、羅勒葉、海鹽和胡椒粉,攪拌均勻
  5. 奶油用烘焙紙捲成圓柱體,擰緊兩端,放入冰箱冷藏最少 3 天,減低蒜頭刺激的味道。 食用時塗抹在麵包上,送進 100ºC 烤箱烤10 ~ 15 分鐘,即可,保質期約 2 週
  6. 如想延長保質期,把冷藏的圓柱體切厚片,每片獨立用烘焙紙包裝放進冷凍庫 (放冰塊的地方),使用時就不用整柱退冰,保質期可延長至 2 ~ 3 個月

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