
Raw Cocoa Butter Chocolate Bar

純手工天然自製巧克力【香純馥郁】Raw Cocoa Butter Chocolate Bar

Raw Cocoa Butter Chocolate Bar

黑巧克力材料 (份量2.5 cm x 3.5 cm 薄巧克力磚 6 塊)

  • 有機可可脂 30 g
  • 楓糖漿1 大匙
  • 自製香草香精 1 小匙 (製作方法點這裏)
  • 無糖可可粉 10 ~ 15 g
  • 少許岩鹽


  • 有機可可脂 30 g
  • 楓糖漿 1 小匙
  • 自製香草香精 1/2 小匙
  • 自製花生醬 1 小匙(製作方法點這裏,其他堅果醬都可以,堅果醬的顏色直接影響巧克力的外觀,夏威夷堅果Macadamia醬顏色較潔白,做出來效果更好 )
  • 少許岩鹽


  • 淡奶油 1 大匙 (15 ml)
  1. 爐上放置一鍋水,肥丁用電陶爐,溫度較穩定。把水煮至快要沸騰時調至小火,鍋上放一不銹鋼盤
  2. 把可可脂切小塊或敲碎,放入銹鋼盤中隔水加熱。水溫 60°C 是隔水加熱溶化可可脂的最佳溫度,注意鍋内的水一定不要沸騰,溫度過高或太低巧克力溶液都可能會凝固
  3. 適當加以攪拌可加速可可脂溶化,完全溶化後熄火,把不銹鋼盤繼續放在鍋上
  4. 加入楓糖漿,慢慢攪拌,讓楓糖漿充分溶解在可可脂中
  5. 加入自製香草香精,繼續畫圈攪拌,直至香精完全溶入
  6. 如製作黑巧克力,加入可可粉及岩鹽,畫圈攪拌,讓可可粉分佈均勻,攪拌時間愈長愈口感愈細緻。如製作白巧克力,加入花生醬,攪拌均勻,喜歡軟滑一點可加入淡奶油
  7. 將攪拌好的溶液倒入模具中,放入冰箱冷藏 1 ~ 2 小時脫膜即可食用,室溫底於 20°C,放置室內約 2 小時也可完全凝固


你的關注給我最大的鼓勵,訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道

Easy, 5 ingredients dark or white chocolate bars made from scratch. Refined sugar free, vegan and gluten free, and seriously satisfying.

Dark Chocolate > Ingredients ( Makes 6 @2.5 cm x 3.5 cm

White Chocolate > Ingredients 


Where to buy Organic Cocoa Butter ? https://iherb.co/2UXu37dM

Use a code PAN8577 to get a discount on your first purchase. They ship internationally at low price sometimes even free


1. Bring a saucepan of water to nearly boil and turn the heat down to simmering.

2. Add the cocoa butter to a heatproof bowl and place over the hot simmering water in the saucepan. Make sure no water gets in the cocoa butter. Melt the butter, stirring with a whisk or a spatula, and when almost all of it is melted. Make sure the water don’t boil. The water temperature 60°C is best for melting cocoa butter.

3. Once the cocoa butter is melted, turn off the heat, keep the heatproof bowl over the saucepan of hot water.

4. Add the maple syrup, whisk together until all dissolved and well incorporated. Taste and adjust sweetness if needed.

5. Add vanilla extract, whisk together until all dissolved and well incorporated.

6. To make dark chocolate, when the mixture is completely fluid with no seperation, add cocoa butter and punch of salt, whisk together until smooth. Whisk to throughly combine. Whisk longer you will get smoother texture.

To make white chocolate, add peanut butter and whisk to throughly combine. To get a softer texture, add whipping cream if you like.

7. Pour the chocolate into candy molds or simply line a baking sheet with parchment paper and pour the chocolate on top. Set in the refrigerator or freezer to harden for 1 ~ 2 hour. Once completely solid, it is ready for serving. For the best freshness, store chocolate in an airtight container or freezer bag in the refrigerator for 2 ~ 3 weeks.

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