
Baked Tortilla Chips


Tasty baked tortilla chips you make at home that are much better than store bought chips. Serve with your choice of salsas and garnishes. A wonderful healthy snack which is so crunchy.

Ingredients  ( Makes 140 g )



1. In a mixing bowl, add Masa Harina, garlic powder, onion powder, parika and sea salt. Mix well.

2. Add and knead to a dough without sticking hands. If the dough is too dry, add 1 tsp water.

3. Divide the dough to 8 portions, coved with a damp cloth.

4. Take out 1 dough and rool into a square, placed between two silicon baking tray cloth, press with a stick from left to right three times, turned 90 degrees and press from left to right press 3 times. Then roll out the dough from the center into a very thin layer in shape of rectangle. The thinner the crispier.

5. Cut tortillas into wedges. Tortilla chips are ordinarily cut into either triangles or squares. Make two cuts lengthwise, and then make cuts perpendicularly.  Brush both side of a tortilla with oil. Place the tortilla chips without overlapping onto the baking tray. Be careful the tortilla is very fragile at this stage.

6. Preheat oven 170ºC,  bake the chips at 160ºC for 4 minutes, the chips begin to shrink, remove the pan and position reversal, then bake for another 4 minutes .They are done when their edges lift slightly from the tray and feel crispy.

7. The chips is very hot just remove from oven, don’t touch with hands.  Cool it on a kitchen paper to absorb oil, and ready to serve.


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