
Rainbow Jelly Candy


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Perk up the party with colour! These party food feature all the flavours of the rainbow.. It’s easy, delish and way fun!  Do you believe it, these bright translucent smiles of gelatin that catch sunlight like a prism are all made up with natural ingredients.

Ingredients ( Each Colour makes 24 jelly cubes )

RED  ( Strawberry Juice、Cherry Juice、Pomegranate Juice obtains natural red colour,but colour of Roselle Tea is the best ) 






Preparing Fruit Juice

Preparing Gelatine Liquid 

1. Taste fruit juice sweetness, add more sugar if desired.

2. Soak gelatine sheet into cold water until soft and sticky. Squeeze out water. Put the gelatine sheet into glass bowl in a bain-marie, and stir until dissolve.

3.  Add 2 tbsp fruit juice with gelatine liquid, mixed well.

4.  Pour back mixed gelatine liquid into fruit juice, mixed well.  Pour into any kind of jelly mold if desired.  Cover with plastic sheet or aluminium foil  and put it into refrigerator. Chilled  5 ~ 6 hours. Cut into cubes when jelly become soft elastic consistency.

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