
自製臘腸【無添加】Homemade Chinese Sausage

Homemade Chinese Sausage Recipe

? 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ



踏入臘月,迎來了五十多年來最強勁的寒流,氣溫急降,冷得手指冰冰的天氣最適合製作臘肉臘腸了。做好的臘腸掛在家裏,特別有農曆年的氣氛。自己灌臘腸也並不如想像中的難,把豬肉剁碎按照所需的肥瘦肉比例混和,加入喜歡的調味料,把肉料灌入腸衣內,打結掛好,天然風乾或用風乾機熱風乾燥,脫水就完成了。以下步驟太家慢慢看,肥丁趕著做臘腸煲仔飯啦 ~

材料 ( 可製作 10 根 @ 15 ~ 16 cm )



肥丁讀者 NOVA 風乾機+豬腸衣優惠


室溫低於 20ºC,相對濕度 50% 或以下。如果天氣濕潮或下雨,最好用風乾機,否則易生細菌變壞


1. 切肉。新鮮豬肉先冰一下,變硬一點較容易切出一致的大小,肉愈大塊口感愈硬,喜歡有嚼勁的稍為剁碎就行了,肉泥愈細口感愈軟,適合兒童或長者,也較適合新手操作,幼細肉泥較容易灌腸

2. 肥肉用食物處理機攪碎成豬絞肉,比瘦肉更加細小一些,灌腸時均勻分布,好看又好吃

3. 汆水。預備 50ºC 暖水,不燙手溫度就對了,加入1/4 茶匙鹽,定時攪拌、促使血水加速溶出,減少豬肉氧化而色澤變深

4. 豬肉倒入暖水中,攪拌一下,把血水泡出來並去除肉腥味。倒入網篩過濾血水,把多餘的水份壓出來,但不用太乾。肉料濕潤一點較容易灌腸

5. 調味。依次加入調味料:淡醬油、魚露、花雕酒、米酒、蔗糖、花椒粉及紅麴粉

6. 預備腸衣。攪拌均勻至肉質有黏性,解開腸衣,剪裁成 4 段,短腸衣較容易操作,放入暖水中泡開

7. 剪裁擠花袋口寬以便套入灌腸漏斗,腸衣套在灌腸漏斗上,水是天然的潤滑劑,在水中較容易操作

8. 灌腸。預留約 3 cm 的腸衣,先不用打結,把少量的肉料放入擠花袋,不要一次過放太多,先放出空氣,才打結。灌腸時有空氣跑進腸衣裡,可以邊灌邊刺小孔,保證腸衣的上下都飽滿

9. 差不到完成時,注意不要整段腸衣灌滿肉料,留下約 3 cm 長度

10. 擰成 3 段,長度隨意。用麻/棉繩先繞 2 ~ 3 圈,打雙結,如肉料太多不夠長度打結,可擠出一些肉料

11. 鬆針。用大頭針盡量刺穿所有氣孔,多刺一些好讓臘腸乾燥時有利疏氣,乾燥時不容易變壞

12. 淋上米酒,擦抹臘腸外衣,風乾時可防止蒼蠅沾染

13. 風乾。天然風乾的最佳溫度是 20ºC 或以下,相對濕度 50% 或以下,日間把臘腸垂直掛在陰涼處,不可以曝曬否則豬的脂肪變味,晚上收回來用保鮮膜包好,放進冰箱。翌日早上取出繼續晾乾,天然風乾需時 約 5 ~ 6 天。遇上雨天或天氣潮濕,就不能天然乾燥,因為容易變壞,可用風乾機,70ºC,12 ~ 18小時。臘腸最好放在第二層或以上,否則熱風有可能把豬肉熱熟,豬肉收縮太快臘腸便會鬆散

14. 風乾至腸衣收縮,臘腸完全乾燥變硬,外表乾硬油潤,沒有流動液體,就做好了,用保鮮袋裝好,放入冰箱,保質期約 3 ~ 6個月,由於沒有防腐劑,盡快食用較好


(左)羊腸衣 ~ 用食物處理機攪碎豬肉       (右)豬腸衣 ~ 人手剁碎粗丁豬肉


自製臘腸【無添加】Homemade Chinese Sausage

Ingredients ( Makes 10 pcs @ 15 ~ 16 cm )

  • 700 g Pork Collar 700 g
  • 300 g Pork Belly 300 g
  • 1/4 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • 1 pcs of Natural Pork Casings (Diameter 28 mm,Length 2.2 meters)
  • 10 cm Cotton Threads or 4 ~ 5 pcs 20 cm Butcher’s Strings (Don’t use plastic because it will melt during high heat cooking)


  • 2 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
  • 1 tbsp Fish Sauce
  • 3 tsp Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 3 tbsp Chinese Yellow Wine
  • 2 tbsp Chinese Rice Wine
  • 1/2 tsp Sichuan Pepper


  • 1/2 tsp Red Yeast Rice Powder
  1. Chop & Grind the Meat. Choose fresh pork. Make sure your ingredients are laid out, and the meat and fat are very cold。Slice your meat into chunks between an inch and two inches across. If you prefer harder texture, coarsely ground or hand chopped ( no need to finely diced ) the lean meat. For Tender texture, finely chopped lean meat. It’s just up to you.
  2. Grind the fat in food processor, fat smaller than meat results even distribution in the sausage, more beautiful and delicious.
  3. Warm Water Blanch. Prepare a large bowl of 50ºC warm water, add 1/4 salt , warm warter blanch can speed up the process of removing blood, dirt and smell.
  4. Put the meat into a warm water to soak 3 ~ 5 minutes. Stir occasionally, strain the meat through sieve. Press the meat to release more water, but don’t get too dry, it will be difficult to stuff the sausage if the meat is too dry.
  5. Seasonings. Add light soy sauce, fish sauce, chinese yellow wine, chinese rice wine, demerara, sichuan pepper and red yeast rice powder, stir to mix well to become a little bit sticky.
  6. Prepare the casing. Untide the pork casings, cut into 4 sections. It is more easy to stuff a short casing. Soak it in warm water.
  7. Slip a casing onto the stuffing tube. Put the funnel into the crowded flower bag ( sillicon bag is better ). It is more easy to work in the water, bunching up as much casing as possible around the outside of the stuffer. Leave a “tail” of at least 3 cm off the end of the tube: You need this to tie off later.
  8. Stuffing the sausage. Put little portion of meat into crowded flower bag. Start cranking the stuffer down. Air should be the first thing that emerges – this is why you do not tie off the casing right off the bat. Use your thumbs to push the meat into the casing and shape the sausage. The meat will slowly work its way through the stuffer and into the casing.
  9. Let the sausage come out in one long coil; you will make links later. Remember to leave about 3 cm of “tail” at the other end of the casing.
  10. When the sausage is all in the casings, with two hands, pinch off what will become two links. Work the links so they are pretty tight. Then spin the link you have between your fingers away from you several times. Tie a double knot with butcher’s twine. Repeat this process down the coil, until you get to the end of the coil. Tie off the other end.
  11. Release air. Use a needle, then look for air bubbles in the links. Prick them with the needle as much as possible, and in most cases the casing will flatten itself against the link.
  12. Rinse the sausage with 1 ~ 2 tbsp Rice Wine
  13. Dry the sausage. Hang sausage to someplace where sunlight cannot reach. In the cold dry day, left the sausage dry outdoor during the day and brought back and hang in the kitchen or wrapped with plastic wrap and put into fridge at night. It takes about 5 ~ 6 days to completely dry. In rainy and moggy day, use food dehydrator, 70ºC,12 ~ 18 hours or more.
  14. The smell was lovely and strong with the marinade day 1 and 2. After day 3 ~ 4 the sausages had shrivelled and dried quite a lot and smell had diminished. It is done when the surface is dark reddish brown and oily. It will not distorted pinching with your fingers. Keep it in fridge with zipper bag for 3 ~ 6 months.

自製臘腸【無添加】Homemade Chinese Sausage

Ingredients ( Makes 10 pcs @ 15 ~ 16 cm )

  • 700 g Pork Collar 700 g
  • 300 g Pork Belly 300 g
  • 1/4 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • 1 pcs of Natural Pork Casings (Diameter 28 mm,Length 2.2 meters)
  • 10 cm Cotton Threads or 4 ~ 5 pcs 20 cm Butcher’s Strings (Don’t use plastic because it will melt during high heat cooking)


  • 2 tbsp Light Soy Sauce
  • 1 tbsp Fish Sauce
  • 3 tsp Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 3 tbsp Chinese Yellow Wine
  • 2 tbsp Chinese Rice Wine
  • 1/2 tsp Sichuan Pepper


  • 1/2 tsp Red Yeast Rice Powder
  1. Chop & Grind the Meat. Choose fresh pork. Make sure your ingredients are laid out, and the meat and fat are very cold。Slice your meat into chunks between an inch and two inches across. If you prefer harder texture, coarsely ground or hand chopped ( no need to finely diced ) the lean meat. For Tender texture, finely chopped lean meat. It’s just up to you.
  2. Grind the fat in food processor, fat smaller than meat results even distribution in the sausage, more beautiful and delicious.
  3. Warm Water Blanch. Prepare a large bowl of 50ºC warm water, add 1/4 salt , warm warter blanch can speed up the process of removing blood, dirt and smell.
  4. Put the meat into a warm water to soak 3 ~ 5 minutes. Stir occasionally, strain the meat through sieve. Press the meat to release more water, but don’t get too dry, it will be difficult to stuff the sausage if the meat is too dry.
  5. Seasonings. Add light soy sauce, fish sauce, chinese yellow wine, chinese rice wine, demerara, sichuan pepper and red yeast rice powder, stir to mix well to become a little bit sticky.
  6. Prepare the casing. Untide the pork casings, cut into 4 sections. It is more easy to stuff a short casing. Soak it in warm water.
  7. Slip a casing onto the stuffing tube. Put the funnel into the crowded flower bag ( sillicon bag is better ). It is more easy to work in the water, bunching up as much casing as possible around the outside of the stuffer. Leave a “tail” of at least 3 cm off the end of the tube: You need this to tie off later.
  8. Stuffing the sausage. Put little portion of meat into crowded flower bag. Start cranking the stuffer down. Air should be the first thing that emerges – this is why you do not tie off the casing right off the bat. Use your thumbs to push the meat into the casing and shape the sausage. The meat will slowly work its way through the stuffer and into the casing.
  9. Let the sausage come out in one long coil; you will make links later. Remember to leave about 3 cm of “tail” at the other end of the casing.
  10. When the sausage is all in the casings, with two hands, pinch off what will become two links. Work the links so they are pretty tight. Then spin the link you have between your fingers away from you several times. Tie a double knot with butcher’s twine. Repeat this process down the coil, until you get to the end of the coil. Tie off the other end.
  11. Release air. Use a needle, then look for air bubbles in the links. Prick them with the needle as much as possible, and in most cases the casing will flatten itself against the link.
  12. Rinse the sausage with 1 ~ 2 tbsp Rice Wine
  13. Dry the sausage. Hang sausage to someplace where sunlight cannot reach. In the cold dry day, left the sausage dry outdoor during the day and brought back and hang in the kitchen or wrapped with plastic wrap and put into fridge at night. It takes about 5 ~ 6 days to completely dry. In rainy and moggy day, use food dehydrator, 70ºC,12 ~ 18 hours or more.
  14. The smell was lovely and strong with the marinade day 1 and 2. After day 3 ~ 4 the sausages had shrivelled and dried quite a lot and smell had diminished. It is done when the surface is dark reddish brown and oily. It will not distorted pinching with your fingers. Keep it in fridge with zipper bag for 3 ~ 6 months.

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