
Vegan Tofu Whipped Cream 低卡豆腐發泡奶油霜 不含乳製品

Vegan Tofu Whipped Cream

材料 (份量:約 300 g 豆腐奶油 ):

  • 木棉豆腐 Firm Tofu 300 g
  • 原蔗糖/二砂糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 20 g ( 甜度可隨意調較 )
  • 麥芽糖 Maltose 1 又 1/2 大匙
  • 清水 Water 125 ml
  • 日本寒天粉 Kanten 1 又 1/2 小匙
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/8 小匙
  • 任何一種植物油 Any Kind of Vegetable Oil 1 大匙 ( 肥丁用苦茶油 )
  • 天然香草精 Homemade Vanilla Extract 1 小匙 ( 選擇性加入 )

天然色素 ( 任何乾燥的天然粉末都可以,紅色可用紅麴粉,綠色可用抹茶粉,棕色可加入可可粉 ):

  • 自製紫薯粉 (紫色 3 大匙 +150 g 豆腐奶油)
  • 自製南瓜粉 (黃色 4 大匙 +150 g 豆腐奶油)
  1. 木棉豆腐蒸熟,放入篩子中,壓重物 2 小時或以上,出水,豆腐水份愈小愈容易操作, 放涼備用。肥丁用 Bosch 蒸焗兩用烤箱的蒸煮功能,80ºC 10 分鐘
  2. 原蔗糖、岩鹽、麥芽糖及清水放入鍋中,小火加熱,糖全部溶化後,加入寒天粉,持續攪拌, 煮成糖液。 所有材混合後,轉為小火, 放油,一邊攪拌混合一邊加熱 1 ~ 2 分鐘
  3. 取 150 g 豆腐,用手提攪拌打成豆腐泥 (要是不想豆腐味太濃郁,可加入天然香草精一起攪打)
  4. 用網篩過濾豆腐泥,加到煮好的糖液中,用手提攪拌打至乳化綿密
  5. 把混合好的豆腐糊隔冰冰鎮, 放進冰箱冷卻
  6. 豆腐糊凝固後, 連同剩餘的 150 g 豆腐, 用手提攪拌棒打至全部混合,直至乳化綿密,放入碗中,保鮮膜堅貼表面蓋好, 放進冰箱冷藏 2 ~ 3 小時,豆腐奶油霜的硬度會更適合擠花
  7. 想要加入天然色素,取出需要豆腐奶油霜的份量,加入天然色素粉,除了紫薯粉、南瓜粉


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Buttercream on cupcakes are really beautiful and charming. However, either butter base or cream cheese base frosting, are very high in fat and sugar.

No holiday cake, pie or crepes would be complete without a dollop of fresh, fluffy whipped cream. If you’re not doing dairy these days, or if you just like to experiment with new recipes in the kitchen, you’ll want to check out this low-calorie, low sugar, healthy, vegan, non-diary and delicious tofu whipped cream.  The texture isn’t exactly like whipped cream, but its a nice substitute!

The adorable cupcake is decorated with tofu whipped cream and homemade vegetables powder as colouring ! The texture is quite like diary whipped cream and taste pretty good.  You may also control the hardness of the tofu cream reducing kanten or add more water .

Soy is the prime component of tofu and is a complete source of dietary protein, providing all of the essential amino acids needed in the diet.  Tofu, made from soybean curds, is naturally gluten-free and low calorie, contains no cholesterol and is an excellent source of protein, iron, and calcium.

Ingredients  ( Makes 300 g)

Natural Food Colouring ( Red Yeast Rice Powder, Matcha Powder, Unsweeted Cocoa Powder will done )


1. Put the steamed tofu on a sieve, top with a plate. Top with a heavy jar or bowl; allow tofu to be pressed for about 2 hours. Drain pressed liquid.

2. Heat water, sugar, malthose, salt and kanten in a small skillet over high heat; bring to a boil, stirring. Reduce to a simmer and cook until all ingredients dissolves, about 1 ~ 2 minutes, stirring.

3. Take 150 g tofu, add homemade vanilla extract if you like, blend until creamy using a hand blender.

4. Filtered the creamy tofu over a sieve. Stirred in the kanten mixture, blend until creamy using a hand blender.

5. Put the blended mixture over a bowl of ice, and put in the fridge until the mixture become jelly liked.

6. Take out the jelly liked tofu from the fridge. Add the rest of 150 g tofu, blend until creamy using a hand blender.  Place a plastic wrap over its surface, chill for 2 ~ 3 hours. chill until set.

7. Add natural colour powder to the tofu cream if you like. Fluff or whip before serving.  Tofu Whipped Cream can be fridge for 3 ~ 4 days.

Lemon Yogurt Halloween Cake 

Vegan Tofu Whipped Cream

材料 (份量:約 300 g 豆腐奶油 ):

  • 木棉豆腐 Firm Tofu 300 g
  • 原蔗糖/二砂糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 20 g ( 甜度可隨意調較 )
  • 麥芽糖 Maltose 1 又 1/2 大匙
  • 清水 Water 125 ml
  • 日本寒天粉 Kanten 1 又 1/2 小匙
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/8 小匙
  • 任何一種植物油 Any Kind of Vegetable Oil 1 大匙 ( 肥丁用苦茶油 )
  • 天然香草精 Homemade Vanilla Extract 1 小匙 ( 選擇性加入 )

天然色素 ( 任何乾燥的天然粉末都可以,紅色可用紅麴粉,綠色可用抹茶粉,棕色可加入可可粉 ):

  • 自製紫薯粉 (紫色 3 大匙 +150 g 豆腐奶油)
  • 自製南瓜粉 (黃色 4 大匙 +150 g 豆腐奶油)
  1. 木棉豆腐蒸熟,放入篩子中,壓重物 2 小時或以上,出水,豆腐水份愈小愈容易操作, 放涼備用。肥丁用 Bosch 蒸焗兩用烤箱的蒸煮功能,80ºC 10 分鐘
  2. 原蔗糖、岩鹽、麥芽糖及清水放入鍋中,小火加熱,糖全部溶化後,加入寒天粉,持續攪拌, 煮成糖液。 所有材混合後,轉為小火, 放油,一邊攪拌混合一邊加熱 1 ~ 2 分鐘
  3. 取 150 g 豆腐,用手提攪拌打成豆腐泥 (要是不想豆腐味太濃郁,可加入天然香草精一起攪打)
  4. 用網篩過濾豆腐泥,加到煮好的糖液中,用手提攪拌打至乳化綿密
  5. 把混合好的豆腐糊隔冰冰鎮, 放進冰箱冷卻
  6. 豆腐糊凝固後, 連同剩餘的 150 g 豆腐, 用手提攪拌棒打至全部混合,直至乳化綿密,放入碗中,保鮮膜堅貼表面蓋好, 放進冰箱冷藏 2 ~ 3 小時,豆腐奶油霜的硬度會更適合擠花
  7. 想要加入天然色素,取出需要豆腐奶油霜的份量,加入天然色素粉,除了紫薯粉、南瓜粉


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