
Homemade Glutinous Rice Wine Recipe

天然純釀製糯米酒【不加現成米酒】Homemade Glutinous Rice Wine

Homemade Glutinous Rice Wine Recipe

  • 材料 (可釀製約 2L 的糯米酒)
  • 圓糯米 2 斤 (1200 g)
  • 酒麴(酒餅) 5 g
  • 清水 1200 ml
  • 5 公升闊口玻璃瓶
  • 溫度參考
  • 室溫 20 ~ 25°C
  • 相對濕度 80%
  1. 泡米 ~ 圓糯米放入清水浸泡,水量最好是糯米的兩倍或以上,讓糯米盡量吸飽水份,浸泡最少 12 小時或以上,冬天要泡 24 小時
  2. 蒸米 ~ 泡過糯米的水倒掉,糯米用浸濕的紗布或棉布包好,裝進蒸鍋隔水大火蒸 45 ~60 分鐘。蒸的中途要開蓋翻一下糯米,讓其均勻熟透,用布包著糯米更容易處理。糯米一定要完全熟透,用筷子夾起來黏黏的,米心沒有白點,就是熟透了,生糯米釀酒會有生腥味
  3. 糯米降溫 ~ 取出蒸熟的糯米,放在大碗裡降溫至約 37°C,表面的糯米冷卻比較快,所以冷卻時也要翻拌一下,讓裡外的溫度不要相差太遠。自然冷卻,或用冷水沖糯米降溫都可以。熟糯米降溫的溫度一定要掌握好,高於以上溫度容易變酸
  4. 酒麴磨末、拌麴 ~ 酒麴通常是一顆顆的,把酒麴研成粉末,拌入冷卻溫度 37°C 的糯米中,酒麴末盡量分佈均勻,預留一些酒麴末待裝瓶後灑在糯米的表面
  5. 裝瓶 ~ 把熟糯米裝入闊口瓶裡,不用壓實,鬆鬆的讓糯米透氣,裝好後,把預留的酒麴末灑在表面,用木筷子在糯米中間做一個酒窩,讓甜酒液有空間留出來。蓋好釀酒的容器,不用完全密封,瓶蓋不擰緊就可以
  6. 一次發酵 ~ 第 1 至 3 天的發酵溫度最重要,糯米的溫度最好保持在 30 ~ 35°C(不是室溫),用溫度計插入糯米量度最準確。肥丁用厚毛毯包裹幫助發酵,如天氣太冷肥丁放在油壓式暖爐附近,酒麴的酵母菌在 30ºC ~ 35ºC 的發酵最為理想,超過 37ºC 酒就容易變酸。糯米發酵約 48 小時後,酒窩裡有酒液滲出,釋出甜味,靠近聞到香甜酒味。如在這階段放進冰箱,延緩發酵,即成製作酒釀丸子的「甜酒釀」了
  7. 預防長霉 ~ 釀酒發酵要等待 7 天。每天觀察糯米的表面有沒出長霉,表面有白毛是正常的。如發現一些灰色的菌絲,淋或噴灑高濃度的酒精如雙蒸米酒或伏特加在糯米表面,菌絲消失了可繼續。如出現綠霉或黑霉,就不能要了
  8. 二次發酵 ~ 七天後,預備開水 1200 ml,加溫到約 35ºC,倒入滲出酒液的糯米中,不用攪拌,蓋好容器,繼續用厚毛毯包好,進行二次發酵,時間也是約 7 天,發酵溫度 25 ~ 30ºC 。糯米在發酵後澱粉質被轉化為分子小的醣類,部份化為液體,米粒會全部浮起來,底下液體是淡黃色。發酵到第 8 ~ 9 天,糯米的底部會看到一些氣泡,都是正常的,糯米發酵的過程也會產生氣體
  9. 完成 ~ 發酵 9 ~ 10 天,糯米的澱粉質已轉化,變成空心不再飽滿,酒的甜味會減退,濃度提高。如你滿意味道,就可以舀出來裝入乾淨的玻璃瓶裡。米未下沉前舀出的糯米酒會有很多氣體,裝瓶前最好攪拌一下,讓氣體釋出,裝瓶後不要立即旋上瓶蓋,把氣體慢慢放出來,確認沒有氣泡才蓋好,否則有爆瓶的危險。肥丁用的酒餅較少,所以發酵較慢,這次發酵 14 天,米未沉下去。如有耐心等到米完全沉下去,時間要再長一點,酒的味道更濃
  10. 裝瓶 ~ 裝瓶的用具、網篩、漏斗、玻璃酒瓶、勺子,預先用高度數的酒精如伏特加噴灑消毒,晾乾,用勺子舀起糯米酒,用網篩過濾,加溫至 70ºC,放涼,透過漏斗裝進酒瓶中,放置一段時間後有沉澱是正常的

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Rice wine is an alcoholic drink that has been consumed in Asia for hundreds of years. It is also a popular choice for cooking in many Asian dishes. Making glutinous rice wine at home takes about 2 weeks but is a very straightforward process.

Ingredients ( Make 2L Yellow Glutinous Rice Wine )

Room Temperature ( for reference only )


1. Soaking the Rice

Soak glutinous rice in water for overnight 12 hours, 24 hours in winter . The water volume must be double or above of the glutinous rice.

2. Steam the Rice

Drain the rice. Evenly spread a layer of rice over the cheesecloth. Don’t pile the rice too thick or the grains may not steam all the way through. If you are using a medium steam, most likely the rice will have to cook in 2 batches. Cover the top of the steamer basket with a tight fitting lid and steam for about 45 ~ 60 minutes (it may take longer if more rice). Check the grains to see if they are translucent, but not mushy. You don’t want any opaque bits (uncooked) in the centers either. Check the water levels in your steamer base and get the remaining uncooked rice ready for the steamer and repeat.

3. Low the temperature of Rice

When the rice is cooked, place the rice in a large, wide bowl. You can just let it cool or rinse thoroughly in very cold water until the rice temperature reach 37°C.

4. Prepare the yeast

Crush the yeast ball into a powder using a mortar and pestle. Sprinkle 4/5 of the yeast evenly over the rice. Using a clean chopsticks to mix the yeast into the rice to distribute the yeast as evenly as possible.

5. 裝瓶

Put the rice into a large clean wide-mouth glass jar. Use the chopsticks to make a well in the center of the rice all the way to the bottom of the vessel. Sprinkle the remaining half of the yeast evenly over the rice surface. Cover with lid but not necessary airtight, the yeast fermentation need to breath.

6. 1st Fermentation

The best ferment temperature of rice is 30 ~ 35°C ( not the room temperature) from Day 1 ~ 3. Better use a cooking thermometer to check it. Set the vessel in a warm place, wrap the glass jar with blanket or put it near the heater to keep it warm. After 48 hours, there should be liquid (rice wine) starting to accumulate in the well and no mold.


7. Prevent Mold

The 1st fermentation last for about 6 ~ 7 days. White mold grow on top of rice should be normal. If the rice has green or grey molded,  spray some vodka or double-distilled liquor to kill the bacteria. The green dot or grey dot should disappear if the bacteria were killed.  If they still there after spraying alchol you’ll have to throw it out (sorry!).  If the rice has not molded, then continue to let the rice ferment until Day 6 or 7.

8. 2nd Fermentation

At Day 7, prepared 1200 ml boiled water, let it cool to 35ºC. Pour it into the rice. Don’t need to stir it. Wrap with blanket again. Let it fermented for another 7 days in the warm place. The best fermentation temperature of rice should be 25 ~ 30ºC. The rice will begin floating as more rice wine is produced. There will be bubble rising up as well.  It should smell like sake and taste sweet and slightly boozy.

9. Complete

Day 9 ~ 10, you can divvy up the rice and liquid among smaller jars when the flavor is to your liking. If the rice didn’t sink to the vessel bottom, there are still many air in the wine, make sure there is no bubble in the wine bottle before you put on the lid.

10. Bottling

Spray the wine bottle, sieve, funnel, spoon or any utensils with vodka or double-distilled liquor, let it dry before divvy up the rice and liquid. Pour the rice and liquid over sieve. Heat the wine in a saucepan until 70ºC, let cool before pouring into the wine bottle, put the lid and refrigerate if you like. The remaining mashed rice is called wine lees and can be used for a condiment.

Homemade Glutinous Rice Wine Recipe

  • 材料 (可釀製約 2L 的糯米酒)
  • 圓糯米 2 斤 (1200 g)
  • 酒麴(酒餅) 5 g
  • 清水 1200 ml
  • 5 公升闊口玻璃瓶
  • 溫度參考
  • 室溫 20 ~ 25°C
  • 相對濕度 80%
  1. 泡米 ~ 圓糯米放入清水浸泡,水量最好是糯米的兩倍或以上,讓糯米盡量吸飽水份,浸泡最少 12 小時或以上,冬天要泡 24 小時
  2. 蒸米 ~ 泡過糯米的水倒掉,糯米用浸濕的紗布或棉布包好,裝進蒸鍋隔水大火蒸 45 ~60 分鐘。蒸的中途要開蓋翻一下糯米,讓其均勻熟透,用布包著糯米更容易處理。糯米一定要完全熟透,用筷子夾起來黏黏的,米心沒有白點,就是熟透了,生糯米釀酒會有生腥味
  3. 糯米降溫 ~ 取出蒸熟的糯米,放在大碗裡降溫至約 37°C,表面的糯米冷卻比較快,所以冷卻時也要翻拌一下,讓裡外的溫度不要相差太遠。自然冷卻,或用冷水沖糯米降溫都可以。熟糯米降溫的溫度一定要掌握好,高於以上溫度容易變酸
  4. 酒麴磨末、拌麴 ~ 酒麴通常是一顆顆的,把酒麴研成粉末,拌入冷卻溫度 37°C 的糯米中,酒麴末盡量分佈均勻,預留一些酒麴末待裝瓶後灑在糯米的表面
  5. 裝瓶 ~ 把熟糯米裝入闊口瓶裡,不用壓實,鬆鬆的讓糯米透氣,裝好後,把預留的酒麴末灑在表面,用木筷子在糯米中間做一個酒窩,讓甜酒液有空間留出來。蓋好釀酒的容器,不用完全密封,瓶蓋不擰緊就可以
  6. 一次發酵 ~ 第 1 至 3 天的發酵溫度最重要,糯米的溫度最好保持在 30 ~ 35°C(不是室溫),用溫度計插入糯米量度最準確。肥丁用厚毛毯包裹幫助發酵,如天氣太冷肥丁放在油壓式暖爐附近,酒麴的酵母菌在 30ºC ~ 35ºC 的發酵最為理想,超過 37ºC 酒就容易變酸。糯米發酵約 48 小時後,酒窩裡有酒液滲出,釋出甜味,靠近聞到香甜酒味。如在這階段放進冰箱,延緩發酵,即成製作酒釀丸子的「甜酒釀」了
  7. 預防長霉 ~ 釀酒發酵要等待 7 天。每天觀察糯米的表面有沒出長霉,表面有白毛是正常的。如發現一些灰色的菌絲,淋或噴灑高濃度的酒精如雙蒸米酒或伏特加在糯米表面,菌絲消失了可繼續。如出現綠霉或黑霉,就不能要了
  8. 二次發酵 ~ 七天後,預備開水 1200 ml,加溫到約 35ºC,倒入滲出酒液的糯米中,不用攪拌,蓋好容器,繼續用厚毛毯包好,進行二次發酵,時間也是約 7 天,發酵溫度 25 ~ 30ºC 。糯米在發酵後澱粉質被轉化為分子小的醣類,部份化為液體,米粒會全部浮起來,底下液體是淡黃色。發酵到第 8 ~ 9 天,糯米的底部會看到一些氣泡,都是正常的,糯米發酵的過程也會產生氣體
  9. 完成 ~ 發酵 9 ~ 10 天,糯米的澱粉質已轉化,變成空心不再飽滿,酒的甜味會減退,濃度提高。如你滿意味道,就可以舀出來裝入乾淨的玻璃瓶裡。米未下沉前舀出的糯米酒會有很多氣體,裝瓶前最好攪拌一下,讓氣體釋出,裝瓶後不要立即旋上瓶蓋,把氣體慢慢放出來,確認沒有氣泡才蓋好,否則有爆瓶的危險。肥丁用的酒餅較少,所以發酵較慢,這次發酵 14 天,米未沉下去。如有耐心等到米完全沉下去,時間要再長一點,酒的味道更濃
  10. 裝瓶 ~ 裝瓶的用具、網篩、漏斗、玻璃酒瓶、勺子,預先用高度數的酒精如伏特加噴灑消毒,晾乾,用勺子舀起糯米酒,用網篩過濾,加溫至 70ºC,放涼,透過漏斗裝進酒瓶中,放置一段時間後有沉澱是正常的

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