
Sukiyaki Recipe

壽喜燒【日式火鍋】一鍋攪定 Sukiyaki


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Sukiyaki is one of the most popular hot pot dishes in Japan. It has a sweet and salty flavor a little bit like teriyaki sauce, but with beef and vegetable in the mix, that is often cooked and served at-the-table. 

Sukiyaki Sauce


Sukiyaki Ingredients ( Serve 2 ~ 3 )


If you don’t have a Japanese hot pot, cast iron skillet is also great for cooking sukiyaki for keep food warm

Making Sukiyaki Sauce

1.  Add rice wine in a small sauce pan and bring it to a boil. Once boiling, turn off the heat.

2.  Add soy sauce, water, mirin and homemade seasonings powder, stir well and let cool.


1.  Prepare sukiyaki ingredients. Rinse and drain vegetables. Separate and wash individual leaves of napa cabbage. Cut leek and onion to lengthwise. Discard the shiitake stem and decorate the top of shiitake if you like. Cut tofu into smaller pieces (about 6 ~ 8 pieces).

2. Heat the frying pan with beef fat and spread out the fat oil on the surface.

3.  Fried tofu to slightly golden using the beef fat.

4. You can skip washing the pan if you like. Add leek and onion with little sukiyaki sauce, stir-fried until a little bit brown.

5. Place other vegetables in the pan and add more sukiyaki sauce, the sauce should only covered half to ingredients, don’t pour too much sauce. Put the lid on and bring to a boil. Once boiling, turn the heat and simmer until the ingredients are cooked through.

6. Add beef and egg, Once the food is cooked, you can start enjoying them.

7.  Keep adding more ingredients and sauce as you eat from the pot. If the sauce is too salty, add water or to dilute. If the vegetables diluted the sauce too much, then add more sukiyaki sauce.  When most of the ingredients have disappeared, add udon to the pot. (Frozen Udon is better cooked in boiling water and drain before add to the pot.) Cook until heated through and enjoy.

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