
Taiwanese Taro Ball

台灣芋圓 / 地瓜圓【Q 軟可口】Taiwanese Taro Ball

Taiwanese Taro Ball

芋圓材料 ( 份量: 2 ~ 4 人 ):

  • 芋頭 100 g
  • 地瓜粉 30 g
  • 在萊米粉 10 g
  • 砂糖 2 小匙
  • 清水 30 ml – 50 ml (視乎麵糰的濕度)


  • 黃色地瓜 100 g
  • 地瓜粉 30 g
  • 在萊米粉 10 g
  • 砂糖 1 小匙 + 1/2 小匙
  • 清水 30 ml – 50 ml (視乎麵糰的濕度)


  • 清水 250 ml (1 cup)
  • 黑糖 40 g
  • 薑片 5 片
  • 桂花 1 大匙
  1. 芋頭、地瓜去皮,切丁,中火蒸 20 分鐘變軟,用叉子壓成泥,如想吃到芋頭或地瓜的顆粒,可不用完部壓碎,肥丁喜歡沒有顆粒的,所以盡量壓碎
  2. 將芋泥放入大碗中,放入砂糖攪拌,再加入地瓜粉及在萊米粉,揉成麵糰,不要一次過加入配方中的清水份量,邊揉邊看情況加入水份。每個芋頭和蕃薯的含水量有差異,每次要看個別情況調節,肥丁的芋頭蒸熟後曾放進冰箱冷藏,麵糰很乾,這次用了 50 ml 的清水。可以用廚師機也可以揉。肥丁用 Kitchen Aid 攪拌麵糰,2 速 ( 最慢的速度 ) 10 分鐘。地瓜圓的做法也是一樣
  3. 麵糰搓揉到三光 ~ 碗光 ( 碗裏沒有粉剩下)、手光 ( 手不黏麵糰 )、麵光 ( 麵糰表面光滑) 即可,用力壓麵糰有少許裂開,煮好後彈性較好。如太乾裂開,水份多加一點
  4. 搓好的麵糰切成 4 份,每份搓成長條形,搓揉的力度不可太大,輕輕推開,否則容易裂開,如覺得黏可撒一點地瓜粉
  5. 長條形麵糰排好,切成約 1.5 cm 的芋圓丁,將切邊用手輕按成圓角 ( 做出來漂亮一點,不介意外表可省略 )。非即吃不要切丁,將整個麵糰用保鮮膜包好放入冰箱,吃的時候才切丁
  6. 燒一鍋滾水,水滾後放入芋圓及地瓜圓,中火煮至浮起,再煮 1 分鐘撈起,放入冰水中可令質感更Q。撈起後加入糖水中即可享用


  1. 煮一鍋滾水,水滾後放入芋圓及地瓜圓,中火煮至浮起,再煮 1 分鐘撈起,放入冰水中可令質感更Q。撈起後加入糖水中即可享用


你的關注給我最大的鼓勵,訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道

I fell deeply in love with taro and sweet potato balls during my first trip to Taiwan.This soft, sweet, chewy with a shiny slippery surface Taro ball dessert is a traditional Taiwanese dessert made popular in Jiufen (九份) and hence most people refer it as “Jiufen Taro Ball”. It is easy to make at home step-by-step in this recipe.

Taro Ball Ingredients  ( Serve 2 ~ 4 )

Sweet Potato Ball Ingredients 

Osmanthus Ginger Brown Sugar Syrup Ingredients 

Prepare Taro & Sweet Potato Ball 

1. Peel taro and sweet potato, cut into chunks. Cook both in the in a steamer for 20 minutes until soft.  Crumble taro and sweet potato into a separate bowl.

2. In a mixing bowl, combine the mashed taro, sugar, mix well and follow by sweet potato flour, rice flour and little bit water. Knead into a dough, add more water if the dough is too dry.  You can use Kitchen Aid to do the kneading, speed 2 ( Kitchen Aid ) for 10 minutes. Do the same steps to sweet potato.

3. Knead the dough throrothly until no flour left on mixing bowl, on hand and on the dough. If the dough is easy to crack during kneading, add some more water.

4. Divided the dough into 4. Gently roll to a rope shape. If it is sticky, sprinkle with some sweet potato flour.

5. Cut the rope shape dough into 1.5 cm cube, smooth the edges. If it is not serve immediately, don’t cut the dough and wrap with a plastic bag. Stored in fridge.

6. Bring a pot of water to boil, add the taro & sweet potato balls over medium heat. They are cooked when floating up on surface, let it simmer for 1 more minutes. It is more chewy put immediately into ice water. Then ready to serve with Osmanthus Ginger Brown Sugar Syrup.

Prepare Osmanthus Ginger Brown Sugar Syrup

1.  Simmer osmanthus and sliced ginger with water over low heat. Cook for 10 ~ 15 minutes until you can smell the fragrant of ginger. Add brown sugar until dissolved, remove from heat.  

Taiwanese Taro Ball

芋圓材料 ( 份量: 2 ~ 4 人 ):

  • 芋頭 100 g
  • 地瓜粉 30 g
  • 在萊米粉 10 g
  • 砂糖 2 小匙
  • 清水 30 ml – 50 ml (視乎麵糰的濕度)


  • 黃色地瓜 100 g
  • 地瓜粉 30 g
  • 在萊米粉 10 g
  • 砂糖 1 小匙 + 1/2 小匙
  • 清水 30 ml – 50 ml (視乎麵糰的濕度)


  • 清水 250 ml (1 cup)
  • 黑糖 40 g
  • 薑片 5 片
  • 桂花 1 大匙
  1. 芋頭、地瓜去皮,切丁,中火蒸 20 分鐘變軟,用叉子壓成泥,如想吃到芋頭或地瓜的顆粒,可不用完部壓碎,肥丁喜歡沒有顆粒的,所以盡量壓碎
  2. 將芋泥放入大碗中,放入砂糖攪拌,再加入地瓜粉及在萊米粉,揉成麵糰,不要一次過加入配方中的清水份量,邊揉邊看情況加入水份。每個芋頭和蕃薯的含水量有差異,每次要看個別情況調節,肥丁的芋頭蒸熟後曾放進冰箱冷藏,麵糰很乾,這次用了 50 ml 的清水。可以用廚師機也可以揉。肥丁用 Kitchen Aid 攪拌麵糰,2 速 ( 最慢的速度 ) 10 分鐘。地瓜圓的做法也是一樣
  3. 麵糰搓揉到三光 ~ 碗光 ( 碗裏沒有粉剩下)、手光 ( 手不黏麵糰 )、麵光 ( 麵糰表面光滑) 即可,用力壓麵糰有少許裂開,煮好後彈性較好。如太乾裂開,水份多加一點
  4. 搓好的麵糰切成 4 份,每份搓成長條形,搓揉的力度不可太大,輕輕推開,否則容易裂開,如覺得黏可撒一點地瓜粉
  5. 長條形麵糰排好,切成約 1.5 cm 的芋圓丁,將切邊用手輕按成圓角 ( 做出來漂亮一點,不介意外表可省略 )。非即吃不要切丁,將整個麵糰用保鮮膜包好放入冰箱,吃的時候才切丁
  6. 燒一鍋滾水,水滾後放入芋圓及地瓜圓,中火煮至浮起,再煮 1 分鐘撈起,放入冰水中可令質感更Q。撈起後加入糖水中即可享用


  1. 煮一鍋滾水,水滾後放入芋圓及地瓜圓,中火煮至浮起,再煮 1 分鐘撈起,放入冰水中可令質感更Q。撈起後加入糖水中即可享用

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