
Hazelnut Butter Chocolate Chips Cookies

  • 份量 (10 個直徑 9 cm)
  • 無鹽奶油 Unsalted Butter  70 g
  • 去皮榛果 Hazelnut  80 g
  • 非洲黑糖 Light Muscovado 40 g
  • 蛋液 Egg 30 g
  • 自製香草精 Homemade Vanilli Extract  1/2 小匙
  • 中筋麵粉 All Purpose Flour  60 g
  • 小蘇打 Bicarbonate of Soda   1/2 小匙
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt  1/4 小匙
  • 原味燕麥片 Rolled Oats  4 大匙
  • 70 % 微苦巧克力 GREEN & BLACK's Organic Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa (可以不放或以堅果代替)
  1. 榛果鋪平在烤盤上,送進烤箱100ºC 烤 20 分鐘。放涼,用食物調理機打成奶油狀的堅果醬
  2. 巧克力切小丁
  3. 大碗裡放入無鹽奶油和非洲黑糖,用手提打蛋機高速打發 2 ~ 3 分鐘,至糖完全溶化,奶油顏色變淺呈軟滑的奶油狀
  4. 加入蛋液和香草精,用手提打蛋機低速打發混合均勻
  5. 分 2 次用網篩篩入中筋麵粉、小蘇打和岩鹽,用刮刀攪拌均勻,麵糰很軟難以成形是正常的
  6. 預熱烤箱至 170ºC。舀一湯匙球狀麵糊,放在鋪有烤盤紙的烤盤上,用湯匙的底部稍微壓平,每個餅乾之間要預留約一個餅乾的空隙
  7. 在餅乾表面撒上燕麥片,釀入巧克力小丁,烤好比較漂亮
  8. 送進烤箱 170ºC 烤 11 ~ 13  分鐘,餅乾溶化成扁平狀,邊緣呈現金黃色,關閉烤箱,打開門,餅乾留在烤盤上 1 分鐘


  點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

These cookies are  chewy and moist if you are not a crispy cookie person.  Gooey, chewy, hazelnut buttery and sinfully chocolate. Just looking at them makes you want to grab one.

Ingredients ( 10 pcs @ 9 cm)


1. Roasted hazelnut in oven at 100ºC for 20. Cool Down.  Add to a food processor and process for 2 ~ 4 minutes until liquified and smooth.

2. Cut chocolate to small pieces.

3. Beat butter and muscovado sugar on high speed for 2 ~ 3 minutes until all the sugar melt. Add hazelnut butter and beat until smooth.

4. Add eggs and homemade vanilla extract and mix on medium speed.

5. Sieve in all purpose flour, bicarbonate of soda and salt into the batter. Mix with rubber spatula until all wet and dry ingredients just combined.

6. Preheat oven to 170ºC. Using 1 level tablespoon for each cookie. These cookies would not spreading too much. Press the batter into slightly thin will get better texture.

7. Garnish with rolled oats and small pieces of chocolate.

8.  Bake at 170ºC for 11 ~ 13 minutes until edges just start to turn golden brown.  Allow cookies to cool for 1 minute on the cookie sheet before removing to wire racks to cool completely.

9. The cookies would be slighly soft just take out from oven.  It will become harder after cooling down.  It was cooked the cookie bottom turn into golden brown.

Expiry Date

Store airtight between sheets of waxed paper at room temperature for 4 ~ 5 days.

  • 份量 (10 個直徑 9 cm)
  • 無鹽奶油 Unsalted Butter  70 g
  • 去皮榛果 Hazelnut  80 g
  • 非洲黑糖 Light Muscovado 40 g
  • 蛋液 Egg 30 g
  • 自製香草精 Homemade Vanilli Extract  1/2 小匙
  • 中筋麵粉 All Purpose Flour  60 g
  • 小蘇打 Bicarbonate of Soda   1/2 小匙
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt  1/4 小匙
  • 原味燕麥片 Rolled Oats  4 大匙
  • 70 % 微苦巧克力 GREEN & BLACK's Organic Dark Chocolate 70% Cocoa (可以不放或以堅果代替)
  1. 榛果鋪平在烤盤上,送進烤箱100ºC 烤 20 分鐘。放涼,用食物調理機打成奶油狀的堅果醬
  2. 巧克力切小丁
  3. 大碗裡放入無鹽奶油和非洲黑糖,用手提打蛋機高速打發 2 ~ 3 分鐘,至糖完全溶化,奶油顏色變淺呈軟滑的奶油狀
  4. 加入蛋液和香草精,用手提打蛋機低速打發混合均勻
  5. 分 2 次用網篩篩入中筋麵粉、小蘇打和岩鹽,用刮刀攪拌均勻,麵糰很軟難以成形是正常的
  6. 預熱烤箱至 170ºC。舀一湯匙球狀麵糊,放在鋪有烤盤紙的烤盤上,用湯匙的底部稍微壓平,每個餅乾之間要預留約一個餅乾的空隙
  7. 在餅乾表面撒上燕麥片,釀入巧克力小丁,烤好比較漂亮
  8. 送進烤箱 170ºC 烤 11 ~ 13  分鐘,餅乾溶化成扁平狀,邊緣呈現金黃色,關閉烤箱,打開門,餅乾留在烤盤上 1 分鐘


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