
Taiwanese Braised Pork Belly Recipe 滷肉燥 台式家常菜 一週都不用做菜了

滷肉燥 台式家常菜 一週都不用做菜了 Taiwanese Braised Pork Recipe


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滷肉燥是肥丁家的票房保證,黏性的濃稠滷汁,充滿滷香料和油蔥酥香,真是凡人無法抵擋,連不喜歡吃白飯的肥丁,都忍不住要「添飯」。滷肉燥是台菜的代表作,既是「菜」 也是「醬」,不僅可以配飯,配麵、配粥,加雞蛋一起滷,滋味無窮,百吃不厭。週末煮一鍋滷肉燥,一週都不用做菜了。

幾乎每個台灣家庭都有自己的配方,肥丁記住旅行台灣時吃過的味道,回家調配,正不正宗不知道,但吃過的朋友都超讚﹗平常無人問津的白飯,都因為伴滷肉吃一掃而空。濃稠的滷汁來自豬皮的膠質,一定不能省略唷 ~

Ingredients (Serve 6 ~ 8 )





1. Remove hair on pork rind with a knife or scissors. Remove fat under the pork rind and the printed parts.  Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Blanch the pork rind with low heat 20 to 30 minutes. Covered.   Simmer the pork rind until it can be easily inserted with chopsticks. Drained. Let cool. Diced

2.  Freeze fresh pork collar just until the hardness that the knife can cut.  Minced with a hand blender.  Keep the pork temperature at 12 °C or below which can maintain the meat elasticity.  Minced pork in supermarket is fine, but I seldom brought minced pork. Because I liked to keep pork at cold temperature for better taste. Keep in fridge when done. 

3.  Rinse the spring onion. Remove the roots. Cut it in the middle to make it easier to cook. 

4.  Cleaned the mushroom surface with a damp cloth. Don’t rinse the mushroom, otherwise the aroma is lost,. Remove stems. Diced

5.  Peel shallots in the water. Chopped

6.  Add 1 tbsp of oil to the pan with medium heat.  Touch the oil with a chopsticks. If you see some oil bubble you can add the shallots.  Stir-fry the shallots in the medium heat until the shallots a little bit brown with aroma. Add the minced pork. Stir-fry until the minced pork turns from red to white. 

7.  Add mushroom, Pork Rind, Chinese Rice Wine. Stir-fry for another couple minutes until you can smell the wine aroma. 

8.  Add Homemade Garlic Powder, Raw Rock Sugar, Freshly grated white pepper and all the spices. Stir-fry for couples minutes

9. Add Traditional Light Soy Sauce. I use soy sauce without Caramel Colouring, so that the pork will not change to dark brown. Add water to cover all the ingredients. Add spring onion. Bring the mixture to a boil. Covered. Simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Turn the heat to the lowest setting.

11.   Check every 1 hour. If water dried out add some water. Cast Iron cookware keep the sauce very well. You can smell the fragrance. There are oil float on the surface

12. Add the peeled hardboiled eggs if you desire.  Add the eggs in cool water. Bring it to boil and simmered for 10 minutes. Gently pressed the egg on the table. Peeled. Make some cuts on the surfaces of eggs. Simmer along with pork. 

13. Remove the spice before serve. Because of healthy issue. I remove the oil on top before serve. Refrigerate if you can’t finished it at once. The grease turns into white solid at low temperature, easier to remove. 

Taiwanese Braised Pork Belly Recipe

  • 600 g Pork Rind
  • 1000 g Pork Collar
  • 10 pcs Mushroom
  • 10 pcs Shallot
  • 3 Spring Onion
  • 1 tbsp Camellia Oil


  • 40 g Raw Rock Sugar
  • 1 tsp Homemade Garlic Powder
  • 90 ml Light Soy Sauce without Caramel Colouring
  • 2 tbsp Sorghum Wine
  • 500 ml Water 500 ml


  • 2 ~ 3 pcs Bay Leave
  • Freshly Grated White Pepper
  • 1 pcs Star Anise
  • 2 pcs Cardamom
  • 1 pcs Nutmeg
  1. Remove hair on pork rind with a knife or scissors. Remove fat under the pork rind and the printed parts.  Bring a medium pot of water to a boil. Blanch the pork rind with low heat 20 to 30 minutes. Covered.   Simmer the pork rind until it can be easily inserted with chopsticks. Drained. Let cool. Diced.

  2. Freeze fresh pork collar just until the hardness that the knife can cut. Minced with a hand blender. Keep the pork temperature at 12 °C or below which can maintain the meat elasticity. Minced pork in supermarket is fine, but I seldom brought minced pork. Because I liked to keep pork at cold temperature for better taste. Keep in fridge when done.

  3. Rinse the spring onion. Remove the roots. Cut it in the middle to make it easier to cook.

  4. Cleaned the mushroom surface with a damp cloth. Don’t rinse the mushroom, otherwise the aroma is lost,. Remove stems. Diced.

  5. Peel shallots in the water. Chopped.

  6. Add 1 tbsp of oil to the pan with medium heat. Touch the oil with a chopsticks. If you see some oil bubble you can add the shallots. Stir-fry the shallots in the medium heat until the shallots a little bit brown with aroma. Add the minced pork. Stir-fry until the minced pork turns from red to white.

  7. Add mushroom, Pork Rind, Chinese Rice Wine. Stir-fry for another couple minutes until you can smell the wine aroma.

  8. Add Homemade Garlic Powder, Raw Rock Sugar, Freshly grated white pepper and all the spices. Stir-fry for couples minutes.

  9. Add Traditional Light Soy Sauce. I use soy sauce without Caramel Colouring, so that the pork will not change to dark brown. Add water to cover all the ingredients. Add spring onion. Bring the mixture to a boil. Covered. Simmer for 2 to 3 hours. Turn the heat to the lowest setting.

  10. Check every 1 hour. If water dried out add some water. Cast Iron cookware keep the sauce very well. You can smell the fragrance. There are oil float on the surface.

  11. Add the peeled hardboiled eggs if you desire. Add the eggs in cool water. Bring it to boil and simmered for 10 minutes. Gently pressed the egg on the table. Peeled. Make some cuts on the surfaces of eggs. Simmer along with pork.

  12. Remove the spice before serve. Because of healthy issue. I remove the oil on top before serve. Refrigerate if you can’t finished it at once. The grease turns into white solid at low temperature, easier to remove

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