
Homemade Soysauce from Scratch

耗時18月 ❇️ 終於完成一瓶醬油❗️家庭版不用生曬 @beanpandacook

? 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Soy Sauce is a common ingredients in Asian Cuisine. If you make Japanese, Chinese, or Korean food often, it may be worthwhile to learn how to make your own soy sauce, rather than buying it by the bottle, especially if you’re concerned about the origin of the ingredients.




1. Before the day, rinse the soybean. Soak it in the fridge for at least 12 ~ 16 hours.

Day 1-Day 3

2. Drain the soy bean.  Steam soybean over high heat for about 30 ~ 40 minutes.  Soybeans can be easily crushed with your fingers when it is cooked. Drain well. Blend the soybean if you want to shorten the fermentation process.  

3. Rinse the wheat.  Fried the wheat until a little golden brown over low heat. Let it cool and then blend it into coarse particles.

4. Spread the cooked soy bean, fried wheat and red yeast rice onto the shallow wooden box. Add soy sauce starter, mix until combined.  Cover with a cheese cloth.  The soy bean temperature should be keep within 27 ~ 35℃ in the whole fermentation process. Monitor the soybean mixture with a cooking thermometer.

5.  The soybean temperature rise after 6 ~ 8 hours. When the bean’s temperature exceeds 35℃, use a chopsticks or a spatula to turn over the soybeans mixture until its the temperature drops to 30℃ to 35℃.  Check every 3 ~ 4 hours. Uncovered if necessary.  If the temperature of soybeans mixture is too high, it will affect the taste of soy sauce.  

Fermentation process depends on the room temperature, in summer fermentation will be faster. The most suitable room temperature for fermented soybeans is about 25℃.  

6. Place the wooden box in an inconspicuous area. Leave it until the soybean is completely saturated in green mold (same colour as the starter). This process might take 2 ~ 3 days depends on the room temperature. When the fermentation process finished, the temperature of soybean mixtures will drops to room temperature. The soybean mold make enzymes to help the fermentation process along, some turn starches into sugars usable by the lactobacillus and yeasts that do the fermentation process.

Day 4

7. Prepare a dry, clean and sterilized glass bottle.  Add sea salt and mixed with 3L 30ºC warm water, stir will until salt dissolved. Add the fermented soybeans mixture, mix well. 

8.  Covered the lid and mark the production date.  Some soybeans floating on the surface of the mixtures are very easy to grow white mold which is not good.  Stir it once a day with a spoon to prevent bacteria growth at the first 1 ~ 2 weeks.  Until white mold no longer appear, stir the mixture every 3 days for the first month, then stirring every once a month.  Make sure all equipment are clean, dry and should be sterilized with wine such as vodka before use.

9.  Inspect and stir the fermenting mixture every month. Until the ninth month, the mixture beginning rich sauce flavor, taste like bean paste.  Since I am using the glass jar which cannot automatically control the fermentation temperature. Pay more attention when the season changed.  In the summer, place it near the ventilated window side and covered with newspaper (no direct sunlight). In the winter wrap with a blanket to keep warm.

Wait for at least 18 months  …… 

10. Strain the liquid through cheesecloth into a ‘easy to pour’ container, like a large measuring cup. To stop the fermenting process, heat the soy sauce at 70℃ ~  80℃ for 20 minutes. Let the soy sauce cool, transfer to bottles. It’s now ready to serve.  Add a label with name, date. Stored it in fridge.

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