
Homemade Pear Syrup




1. Cut apart the root and any browned pedals of Bulbus Lilii. In the pot, add cold water and Bulbus Lilii and bring to boil. Remove from heat, pour out water, set aside.

2. Wash the pears and fresh Chinese Date, peel and discard the seeds. Cut into small pieces. Puree the pears, Chinese Date pieces and Bulbus Lilii with a blender

3. Bring pear juice to boil, turn to low heat and frequently stir with a wooden spoon until the juice become almost creamy. Remove from heat and let it cold

4. Using a sieve and cheese cloth to squeeze out pear juice. Squeeze out as much pear juice as you can. ( Be careful the pear juice may be very hot)

5. Bring the pear juice to boil for 30 ~ 40 minutes with low heat

6. Sterilized jars. Cook the jar in boiling water for about 10 minutes, dry with electricity hairdryer or oven

7. Pear Juices evaporated and the remains will be about 250 ~ 300 ml. Turn off heat , add ginger juice, let cool completely and mix honey. Store in air-tight container and put in the refrigerator. The puree could become more thick in the fridge, can be stored for about a month.  Mix 1 tsp of puree with warmth water and ready to serve

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