
自製玉米片 粟米片【新鮮粟米做】Homemade Cornflakes

自製粟米片【新鮮粟米做】Homemade Cornflakes

 喜歡肥丁的影片,點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

玉米片/粟米片由一位美國的醫學博士(Dr.John Harvey Kellogg)和他的兄弟威爾·凱斯·家樂 (Will Keith Kellogg) 為幫助病人痊癒而發明的素食穀物早餐。他們把粟米煮熟,壓過和熱烘成鬆脆的薄片,並把這門技術取了專利,創立品牌,這種方便的懶人食品迅速掀起了早餐革命,美國人放棄熱騰騰的油膩熟食早餐,粟米片取而代之,剛推出時一度供不應求。時至今日,威爾家樂兄弟成立的粟米片品牌,已經成為穀物早餐的代名詞。


明知道粟米片是高度加工的食物,並不如廣告宣傳的健康,粟米片都是陪伴我們這一代成長的集體回憶。肥丁用新鮮粟米加入粟粉麵粉、鷹粟粉、麵粉等試著實驗自製粟米片,成品雖然不是百分百和巿售的一樣,用來解除心癮也夠滿足了。做好放進密封的保鮮袋中,可存放 3 ~ 4 天,當日常小零食也很不錯 ~


材料 (可製作約 110 g)


1. 粟米蒸熟,刨粒。粟米粒加入熱水,用手提攪拌棒打成粟米泥

2. 石磨粟米麵粉、低筋麵粉、鷹粟粉、糖、鹽及油放入大碗中攪拌混合,加入粟米泥,用刮刀攪拌成濕潤而不黏手的麵糰,麵糰攪拌均勻即可,不用過度搓揉

3. 將麵糰分成 4 份,未用的用濕布蓋好。預熱焗爐至 170°C

4. 將其中一份放在烤盤布上,塑成長方形,舖上另一塊烤盤布,用麵棍推薄。粟米片有一點厚度口感才好,所以不用太薄

5. 蓋在上面的烘焙布不用拿去,一起送入焗爐以 160°C 烤 4 分鐘,取出,水份烤乾便能輕易掀起烘焙布,粟米片邊緣開始捲起,粟米片反面,降溫至120°C 再烤 3 ~ 4 分鐘

6. 粟米片烤乾後體積會縮小一些,關掉焗爐,讓粟米片的水份進一步蒸發,放涼後粟米片會更很脆,用手掰成小份


認識原材料【粟米粉 VS 粟米麵粉】


粟米粉(Corn Starch/Cornflour) 港澳地區稱爲「粟粉」、「鷹粟粉」、「生粉」或「豆粉」。是由粟米提煉的白色「澱粉」,沒粟米味,加水煮熟後凝結成濃稠的效果,常用作廣東「勾芡」。在英國、澳洲及很多英聯邦國家稱爲Cornflour。而在美國普遍稱為Corn Starch,與原顆粟米磨製的Corn Meal並不相同

粟米麵粉(Corn Meal)由乾燥的原粒粟米磨成,但不如粟米澱粉般精細,黃色,顆粒幼度分為「極幼」、「幼細」和「粗粒」,顆粒愈粗顏色愈深。在美國,研磨得極幼的粟米麵粉也叫 Corn Flour。在西方食譜中常用作烘焙蛋糕、餅乾,或撒在麵包表面防黏的材料。石磨粟米麵粉保留殼、胚芽、更多香味和營養,但容易變質,需要存放在雪櫃。這篇配方中肥丁用最幼細的石磨粟米麵粉

自製粟米片【新鮮粟米做】Homemade Cornflakes

  • 60 g Fresh Corn Kernels
  • 35 g Stone Ground Corn Flour
  • 10 g Corn Starch
  • 5 g Cake Flour
  • 5 g Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 tbsp Hot Water
  1. Husk corn and rinse. Cover pot and cook corn cobs for 4 minutes over boiling water in the steamer insert. The corn cobs should be a deep yellow. The corn should be tender when it’s done. Cuf off the corn kernels, put it into the blender, add 2 hot water and blend it with a hand blender until it becomes corn mash.
  2. In a mixing bowl, add stone ground corn flour, plain flour, corn starch, sugar, salt, oil and corn mash, mix well with a rubber spatula. Don’t try to over mix the dough.
  3. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Take one and cover the rest with a damp cloth. Preheat oven to 170°C.
  4. Take out 1 dough and rool into a square, placed between two silicon baking tray cloth, press with a stick to a nice thin layer. No need to be very thin.
  5. Don’t need to take off the silicon cover, bake the chips at 160ºC for 4 minutes, remove the silicon cover. Turn the cornflakes over, then bake for another 3 ~ 4 minutes .They are done when their edges lift slightly from the tray and feel crispy.
  6. Turn off the oven, let it cool it on baking tray. Let pan cool, then use your hands to tear and crack the dough into small flakes. You can serve with milk/soy milk/nut milk or as you would any cereal. Store leftovers in an air-tight container in a cool dry place, it can be keep for 3 ~ 4 days.

自製粟米片【新鮮粟米做】Homemade Cornflakes

  • 60 g Fresh Corn Kernels
  • 35 g Stone Ground Corn Flour
  • 10 g Corn Starch
  • 5 g Cake Flour
  • 5 g Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • 1 tbsp Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • 2 tbsp Hot Water
  1. Husk corn and rinse. Cover pot and cook corn cobs for 4 minutes over boiling water in the steamer insert. The corn cobs should be a deep yellow. The corn should be tender when it’s done. Cuf off the corn kernels, put it into the blender, add 2 hot water and blend it with a hand blender until it becomes corn mash.
  2. In a mixing bowl, add stone ground corn flour, plain flour, corn starch, sugar, salt, oil and corn mash, mix well with a rubber spatula. Don’t try to over mix the dough.
  3. Divide the dough into 4 parts. Take one and cover the rest with a damp cloth. Preheat oven to 170°C.
  4. Take out 1 dough and rool into a square, placed between two silicon baking tray cloth, press with a stick to a nice thin layer. No need to be very thin.
  5. Don’t need to take off the silicon cover, bake the chips at 160ºC for 4 minutes, remove the silicon cover. Turn the cornflakes over, then bake for another 3 ~ 4 minutes .They are done when their edges lift slightly from the tray and feel crispy.
  6. Turn off the oven, let it cool it on baking tray. Let pan cool, then use your hands to tear and crack the dough into small flakes. You can serve with milk/soy milk/nut milk or as you would any cereal. Store leftovers in an air-tight container in a cool dry place, it can be keep for 3 ~ 4 days.

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