
Black Sesame Soup Recipe

芝麻糊 【平民補品】Black Sesame Soup Recipe

Black Sesame Paste

材料 ( 份量:約 8 人份 )

  • 黑芝麻 150 g
  • 白芝麻 50 g
  • 乾百合 40 g
  • 原蔗冰糖 90 g (少甜) 
  • 清水  2000 ml 


  • 糙米 20 g
  • 薏仁 20 g
  • 小米 50 g
  • 清水 500 ml
  1. 預備(煮前一晚)。混合糙米、薏仁、小米洗淨,用清水浸泡 1 小時。倒去泡過的水,然後放進冰箱冷凍 1 小時。冷凍時米內部的水份結冰後會膨脹撐破細胞壁,會破壞米的組織結構,煮起來很快就糊化。
  2. 第 2 天。乾百合放入另外一個碗中
  3. 芝麻放入網篩中,篩去雜質和塵埃。用流水沖洗也可以,不過需要較長的時間才能把芝麻炒香
  4. 黑芝麻加入白芝麻,放入鍋中,小火炒 5 ~ 7 分鐘。 聞到少許芝麻香,白芝麻變成金黃色便可以起鍋,放涼備用。黑芝麻顏色漆黑,較難判斷是否已經炒熟或炒焦,所以加入白芝麻,只要留意白芝麻的顏色,便知道有沒有炒焦 ﹗芝麻炒太久會上火和有苦味
  5. 從冰箱取出冷凍米,連同清水放入調理機中打成米漿,用網篩過濾網米渣
  6. 乾白合倒去泡過的水,與黑芝麻放入調理機中,打成芝麻漿,肥丁用 Blendtec 果汁模式,打 2 次,芝麻漿已經很細膩。若你的果汁機容量小,馬力一般,可將芝麻和清水分為 4 份,分 4 次 ( 每次一份芝麻一份清水 ) 打漿,過程要多重覆幾次
  7. 芝麻漿倒入棉布袋過濾芝麻渣,雙手壓榨布袋,擠出液體
  8. 芝麻漿放入大鍋中,加入冰糖,中火煮至冰糖溶化,不斷攪拌,試試甜味夠不夠
  9. 煮至冒煙,調至小火,米漿不要一次過加入,邊煮邊逐少加入,方便調整黏稠度。芝麻糊加入米漿前稀稀的很流動,加入米漿後會變得黏稠,攪拌起來有阻力,過程中要不停攪拌,若不攪拌米漿的澱粉質會浸澱在鍋底結成硬塊,焦鍋黏鍋
  10. 芝麻糊沸騰約 1 ~ 2 分鐘,熄火,芝麻糊在加熱時看上去好像稀稀的,放涼便會更黏稠

Black sesame soup is winter healing food. It is a popular Chinese dessert widely available throughout China, Hong Kong.  It is typically served hot.  In Cantonese cuisine it takes the form of tong sui, or sweet soup (similar to Western pudding), with greater viscosity. The main ingredients are black sesame seeds, rice and water. Rock Sugar is added for sweetness. I used to cook with whole grains such as brown rice and millet which to have better nutrition.

Ingredients ( Serve 8 )

Grain Liquid

Preparation (Night before cook)

1. Rinse and mix brown rice, coix seed and millet. Soak in water for about 1 hour and drain. Freeze for 1 hour. When the water particle inside the grain is frozen, it will expand and break the cell wall. This will destroy the structure of grain. The grain will cook quickly to gelatinze.

The Second Day 

2. Dry Lily bulb in another bowl, soak to become soft.

3. Sieve the black sesame to remove dust. You may rinse it but take longer time to dry the sesame seeds.

4. Add both black & white sesame seeds into the stockpot, simmer for 5 to 7 minutes until smell sesame incense smell.  When the white sesame seeds turn into golden brown. Let cool and reserve. Black sesame are dark, it is difficult to determine whether it has been fried or speckle. Sesame cannot fried for too long because it will be bitter.

5. Take out the frozen grain from the refrigerator. Blend with water into grain liquid, filter rice residue with a sieve.

6. Blend Sesame, dried lily pulp and water in Blendtec.  If your blender only have small capacity.  The process should be repeated several times.

7. Squeezing out sesame liquid using a cotton bag.

8. Boil the sesame liquid in a pot with medium heat.  Add raw rock sugar, simmer until rock sugar melt. Stir constantly.

9. Simmer until smoke rising. Turn to low heat. Don’t try to add all the grain liquid. Stop anytime you feel good with the consistency. Keep stirring because the grain starch will precipitate in the bottom of the pot to form lumps.

10. Be patiently, cook for 1 to 2 minutes after it boiled, turn off the heat. The sesame paste looks thinner when it is heated, more viscous when cool down.

More Sesame Recipe 

Black Sesame Rolls

Black Sesame Dumplings

Black Sesame Paste

材料 ( 份量:約 8 人份 )

  • 黑芝麻 150 g
  • 白芝麻 50 g
  • 乾百合 40 g
  • 原蔗冰糖 90 g (少甜) 
  • 清水  2000 ml 


  • 糙米 20 g
  • 薏仁 20 g
  • 小米 50 g
  • 清水 500 ml
  1. 預備(煮前一晚)。混合糙米、薏仁、小米洗淨,用清水浸泡 1 小時。倒去泡過的水,然後放進冰箱冷凍 1 小時。冷凍時米內部的水份結冰後會膨脹撐破細胞壁,會破壞米的組織結構,煮起來很快就糊化。
  2. 第 2 天。乾百合放入另外一個碗中
  3. 芝麻放入網篩中,篩去雜質和塵埃。用流水沖洗也可以,不過需要較長的時間才能把芝麻炒香
  4. 黑芝麻加入白芝麻,放入鍋中,小火炒 5 ~ 7 分鐘。 聞到少許芝麻香,白芝麻變成金黃色便可以起鍋,放涼備用。黑芝麻顏色漆黑,較難判斷是否已經炒熟或炒焦,所以加入白芝麻,只要留意白芝麻的顏色,便知道有沒有炒焦 ﹗芝麻炒太久會上火和有苦味
  5. 從冰箱取出冷凍米,連同清水放入調理機中打成米漿,用網篩過濾網米渣
  6. 乾白合倒去泡過的水,與黑芝麻放入調理機中,打成芝麻漿,肥丁用 Blendtec 果汁模式,打 2 次,芝麻漿已經很細膩。若你的果汁機容量小,馬力一般,可將芝麻和清水分為 4 份,分 4 次 ( 每次一份芝麻一份清水 ) 打漿,過程要多重覆幾次
  7. 芝麻漿倒入棉布袋過濾芝麻渣,雙手壓榨布袋,擠出液體
  8. 芝麻漿放入大鍋中,加入冰糖,中火煮至冰糖溶化,不斷攪拌,試試甜味夠不夠
  9. 煮至冒煙,調至小火,米漿不要一次過加入,邊煮邊逐少加入,方便調整黏稠度。芝麻糊加入米漿前稀稀的很流動,加入米漿後會變得黏稠,攪拌起來有阻力,過程中要不停攪拌,若不攪拌米漿的澱粉質會浸澱在鍋底結成硬塊,焦鍋黏鍋
  10. 芝麻糊沸騰約 1 ~ 2 分鐘,熄火,芝麻糊在加熱時看上去好像稀稀的,放涼便會更黏稠

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