
Sesame Bread Pocket 芝麻燒餅/叉子燒餅【外酥內香】

Sesame Bread Pocket Recipe

麵糰材料 ⧫ 材料 (份量 10 個)

  • 中筋麵粉 All Purpose Flour  110 g   ( Bob's Red Mill Organic All Purpose Unbleached White Flour)
  • 速發酵母 Instant Yeast  1 小匙(5 g)
  • 40 °C 溫水 Lukewarm Water  50 g
  • 原蔗糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar    10 g
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt  1/4小匙(1 g)
  • 自製蔥油 Homemade Spring Onion Oil  1 小匙 (自製蔥油點這裡)

油酥 ⧫ 材料

  • 低筋麵粉  Cake Flour  75 g
  • 自製蔥油 Homemade Spring Onion Oil  3 大匙


  • 蛋白 Egg White  適量
  • 白芝麻 White Sesame  100 g
  1. 原蔗糖溶化於熱水中,攪拌均勻。碗裡放入麵粉,中間挖個洞放入速發酵母,旁邊加入岩鹽,加入熱水,讓水和乾麵粉混合成粗糙的麵糰
  2. 加入自製蔥油,用手搓揉至麵糰吸收油份。把麵糰放在工作台上,搓揉約 5 分鐘,成光滑的麵糰
  3. 放入碗裡,放入蒸烤爐 (發酵模式)40°C 發酵 1 小時。烤箱可放一杯剛煮沸的水,和麵糰一起放進去,關門發酵。用手輕按麵糰,覺得鬆軟完成,或目測麵糰的「腰圍」變大兩倍 
  4. 製作油酥
  5. 低筋麵粉加入自製蔥油,混合搓揉成細膩的麵糰,揉成長條形,蓋保鮮紙
  6. 製作燒餅
  7. 麵糰拉長,塑成圓柱形,切成 10 等塊,大小盡量一致。油酥擀長,均分成 10 等份,大小盡量一致,滾圓備用
  8. 麵糰壓成薄圓形,包裹油酥,把接口和兩端開口捏合,成餃子形狀。排烤盤布上,蓋上擰乾的濕布,鬆弛 10 分鐘
  9. 麵糰擀長,捲起來,捏合接口和兩端開口,排好在烤盤布上鬆弛 15 分鐘,把烤盤放進烤箱預熱至 210°C
  10. 工作台上撒些麵粉,取一份麵糰,未用的麵糰繼續用濕布蓋好。麵糰輕輕擀開長 8 ~ 10 cm,成非常薄的麵糰,排在烘焙紙上。成型手法要精細,不能破酥,注意邊緣要沒有破口,否則燒餅會漏氣不能膨脹
  11. 取出預熱的烤盤,把鋪好麵糰的烘焙紙快速放在上面,立即送入烤箱,210°C 烤約 5 分鐘,麵糰很快便會鼓起來,烤至上色,遇冷才不會塌縮,翻面,降溫至 170°C 再烤 5 分鐘
  12. 取出刷蛋白,撒些芝麻,回烤箱 100°C 再烤 5 分鐘。切開,填釀入黃豆芽肉末吃,又香又脆。若放過夜,表面噴水 100°C 回烤烘脆,但不能反覆重烤太多次,否則會變乾硬



 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Warm Dough ⧫ Ingredients(Makes 10 pcs )

Oil Dough ⧫ Ingredients


Making Warm Dough

1. Dissolve demerara raw sugar in 40C warm water.  Combine flour and salt in a mixing bowl. Make a well in the centre, add in instant yeast. Pour in warm water and mix quickly to combine.

2. Add homemade spring oinion oil to the dough. Turn warm water dough onto a working surface and knead until smooth about 5 minutes.

3. Place the dough in a mixing bowl. Rest in the steamed oven. Turn on “Fermentation mode” 40C for 1 hour. If you don’t have steamed oven, place a cup of boiled water together with the dough in the oven. Close the door.

Making Oil Dough

4. Combine flour and homemade spring onion oil to a dough. Covered with plastic wrap.

Making Bread Pockets

5. Roll the warm water dough into a cylinder. Cut dough widthways into 10 even pieces. Roll out the oil dough. Cut dough widthways into 10 even pieces. Shape to a ball.

6. Working with one piece of dough at a time. Press a warm water dough thin and round.  Fold warm water dough lengthways to cover oil dough. Then pinch edges to seal cut sides. Cover with a damp tea towel and rest for 10 minutes.

7. Roll each piece of dough into a very thin rectangle, then roll into a cylinder. Pinch edges to seal. Cover with a damp tea towel and rest for 15 minutes. Preheat oven to 210°C

8. Roll the dough in to 3 x 10 cm rectangle. Make sure the edges are sealed when rolling so no air escapes when baking. Arrange all dough onto a baking paper.

9. Take out the preheated baking tray from oven. Transfer the dough onto the baking tray. Baked bread at 210°C for 5 minutes until puffed and golden. Turn over, 170°C baked for another 5 minutes.

10. Brush dough with egg white wash, place onto plated sesame seeds, turn to coat thickly, then place on an oven tray. Baked bread at 100°C for 5 minutes.

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