
5 Ingredients Chinese Almond Biscuits ~ Coconut Flavour

澳門杏仁餅【Coconut Matter 食譜邀稿】5 Ingredients Chinese Almond Biscuits

? 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

These crumbly, small and easy Chinese Almond Cookies that is made with ground mung bean flour and ground almonds. It is one of the most standard Chinese pastry in Canton. In Macau, the snack has been one of the most popular specialty products, selling in different flavours.

Ingredients ( Makes 8@5 cm diameter  )


If you not in flavour of the smell of coconut, replace icing sugar with coconut sugar, replace Wild Coconut Oil with Odourless Coconut Oil


1. Place Almond and Sweet Apricot Kernel on baking pan, roasted in oven 100ºC for 10 minutes before blended it into flour. You may use a coffee grinder if you like.

2.  In a mixing bowl, add 1 tsp water to coconut sugar, mixed well until coconut sugar is melt to become coconut syrup

3. Add solid coconut oil to the syrup, use spatula to mixed them well until creamy texture and thoroughly combined

4. Mix mung bean flour and almond flour in bowl until thoroughly combined.  Use your fingertips to crumble and rub the flour until the mixture resembles fine bread crumbs.  

5. Preheat oven to 120ºC. Divide the cookie mixture to 8 equal portions. 

6. Pack the cookie mixture into the wooden mold lightly but firmly, making sure that all the crevices and corners are packed.  For detail Watch Video above.

7. Bang the cookie mold flat on the table to remove the cookies.

8.  Put onto a parchment lined baking tray and bake for 40 ~ 60 minutes at low heat 110ºC  or until the cookies is dry. Baking time depends on thickness of the cookies.

9. Let cool on rack completely and it will be very crumbly. Store in a air tight container for up to 2 weeks.

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