
Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce Recipe 自製泰式甜辣醬【百搭醬料】

Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce


  • 獨子蒜頭 Solo Garlic 1 顆
  • 指天椒 Red Cluster Pepper 2 根 (這是小辣的,分量可以自己斟酌)
  • 紅色甜椒 Red Bell Pepper 1/4 個
  • 泰國青檸汁 Lime Juice 4 大匙 (60 ml)
  • 原蔗糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 40 g
  • 海鹽 Sea Salt 1/2 小匙
  • 清水 Water 180 ml


  • 葛粉 Arrowroot Flour 1 小匙
  • 開水 Water 3 大匙
  1. 辣椒洗淨。紅色甜椒去核,切丁。指天椒切丁。獨子蒜去皮,切丁。全部放進攪拌機中,加入 180 ml 清水,把所有材料全部攪碎
  2. 倒進小鍋中,加入原蔗糖、海鹽,及青檸汁,中火煮沸,醬汁沸騰時很快溢出,小心顧爐,用木勺攪拌一下,調至小火熬煮約 3 ~ 4 分鐘
  3. 葛粉加入清水,攪拌直至葛粉完全溶化
  4. 辣椒醬汁加入葛粉水,小火熬煮 8 ~ 12 分鐘,不時攪拌以免葛粉沉在鍋底煮焦,醬汁慢慢變得濃稠,水分蒸發得愈多愈濃稠。這步驟不用煮沸,醬汁只要到達你喜歡的濃稠度即可離火
  5. 放涼,放入消毒過的玻璃瓶中,放進冰箱保存,保質期 3 ~ 4 個月

   點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Try this classic Thai Sweet Chili Sauce which is fabulous for dipping, or try it in a dressing. Also makes an excellent marinade for grilled chicken, fish, or seafood.

It’s super-easy to make and tastes better than the store-bought version. There are no added chemicals or unhealthy ingredients in this homemade version. You can adjust the spice level to suit your own flavour.




1. Rinse cluster and bell peppers. Remove seeds from bell pepper, dice into small pieces. Cut cluster pepper into small pieces. Remove skin of solo garlic, minced.  Place them all with 180 ml water into the blender, blend until smooth, make sure you don’t have any big chunks of chilli.

2. Pour the mixture into a medium sized saucepan, follow by lime juice, sugar and salt. Let it come to the boil on a medium high heat. Once boiling reduce to low heat, allow the mixture to bubble gently simmer for 3 ~ 4 minutes.

3. In another mixing bowl, whisk together 3 tbsp water with arrowroot powder.

4. Add the arrowroot mixture to thicken the sauce. Simmer over low heat for about 8 ~ 12 minute to come to a consistency that you desire. Keep stirring frequently to make sure that the arrowroot powder don’t catch on the bottom of the saucepan.

5. Once the sauce is thick enough, let it cool down, and then pour it into a sterilised glass jar. Keep in the refrigerator for 3 ~ 4 months.

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Thai Sweet Chilli Sauce Recipe

  • 1 Solo Garlic
  • 2 Red Cluster Pepper( Adjust to your flavour )
  • 1/4 Red Bell Pepper
  • 4 tbsp Lime Juice
  • 40 g Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp Sea Salt
  • 180 ml Water

Starch Thickener

  • 1 tsp Arrowroot Flour
  • 3 tbsp Water
  1. Rinse cluster and bell peppers. Remove seeds from bell pepper, dice into small pieces. Cut cluster pepper into small pieces. Remove skin of solo garlic, minced.  Place them all with 180 ml water into the blender, blend until smooth, make sure you don’t have any big chunks of chilli.

  2. Pour the mixture into a medium sized saucepan, follow by lime juice, sugar and salt. Let it come to the boil on a medium high heat. Once boiling reduce to low heat, allow the mixture to bubble gently simmer for 3 ~ 4 minutes

  3. In another mixing bowl, whisk together 3 tbsp water with arrowroot powder.

  4. Add the arrowroot mixture to thicken the sauce. Simmer over low heat for about 8 ~ 12 minute to come to a consistency that you desire. Keep stirring frequently to make sure that the arrowroot powder don’t catch on the bottom of the saucepan.

  5. Once the sauce is thick enough, let it cool down, and then pour it into a sterilised glass jar. Keep in the refrigerator for 3 ~ 4 months

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