Homemade Baked Beans in Tomatoes Sauce Recipe 自製茄汁焗豆 真食材 / 沒有色素無茄膏番茄醬

Homemade Baked Beans in Tomatoes Sauce


  • 白腰豆 Cannellini Bean 350 g (又名白腎豆、海軍豆)
  • 月桂葉 Bay Leave 3 片
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/2 小匙


  • 聖女番茄 Cherry Tomatos 1200 g (2 磅)
  • 大番茄 Tomatoes 4 ~ 6 個
  • 洋蔥 Onion 半個
  • 紅椒乾 Dried Pepper Flakes 6 片 (可用 1 大匙 紅椒粉 Paprika 代替)

香草 ( 新鮮香草是最理想的,如沒有可用乾燥的代替 ):

  • 鮮採羅勒 Basil 1 棵
  • 迷迭香 Rosemary 1 棵

調味料 ( 可依自己口味調較 ):

  • 原蔗糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 2 大匙
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/2 小匙
  • 自製雞粉 Homemade Chicken Powder 1 小匙 (自製鮮味粉都可以)
  • 蒜粉 Homemade Garlic Powder 1 小匙 (自製蒜粉點這裏)
  1. 白腰豆浸泡清水最少 12 小時,夏天要放進冰箱浸泡
  2. 聖女番茄切半,放進烤箱 160ºC 烤 1 小時 30 分,時間視乎各家烤箱要自行調較。把聖女番茄烤至半乾,就可以用了
  3. 半個洋蔥切大塊,半個洋蔥切幼丁
  4. 把泡過白腰豆的水倒去,把白腰豆轉移到白珐瑯鑄鐵鍋內,重新加入清水,水要蓋過白腰豆約 5 cm,加入月桂葉一起煮
  5. 大火煮沸騰後,轉至最小火,讓豆子不能翻滾,否則豆子容易煮爛,不能保持原來的形狀,變成豆泥了。確認鍋內的豆子沒有翻滾後,蓋上鍋蓋,小火熬 45 ~ 1 小時
  6. 煮豆時預備番茄汁。大番茄表面切十字,放入一鍋熱水中煮 5 ~ 8 分鐘,撈起,再放入冷水中,讓番茄皮分離,去皮後切丁備用
  7. 在另一個黑鑄鐵鍋中,加少許油,放入洋蔥幼丁,中火炒香至稍為焦糖色,加入大番茄丁,紅椒乾,炒至番茄肉溶化,調至小火,加入聖女番茄泥,羅勒和迷迭香,拌勻,加蓋悶 10 分鐘。熄火,用手提攪拌機打成番茄泥,開小火,煮至濃稠。如你只有果汁攪拌機,就要放涼後取移到機內打泥
  8. 取一顆白腰豆, 用手指一壓即碎成豆泥,就可以熄火。撈起白腰豆,瀝乾水份
  9. 加入調味料:糖、鹽、蒜粉和雞粉,覺得味道滿意,把番茄泥加進白腰豆加中,小火加熱, 邊攪拌邊把番茄醬煮至濃稠,濃稠的番茄醬加熱時容易濺起,白腰豆很容易煮焦,要多加攪拌。 離火,再悶約 1 小時入味,即可享用


自製雞粉【真正雞肉做】Homemade Chicken Powder

Homemade Baked Beans with Tomato Sauce 自製茄汁焗豆 ~ 真食材/無色素無茄膏番茄醬 @beanpandacook

? 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Anyone like baked beans ? I like to eat them on toast and a sausage make a brilliantly quick and nutritious lunch.

Dried Cannellini beans are one of my favourite store-cupboard essentials and have so many uses. Homemade baked beans are easy to make, cheap and a world apart. And they certainly taste better than the canned versions. Make a big batch and freeze in portions for up to three months.

My tomato sauce is made with real tomatoes, rich with homemade garlic powder and  chicken powder and any hard herb. As for the beans are not baked but boiled.



  • 350 g Cannellini Bean
  • 1 Carrot
  • Half Onion
  • 3 pcs  Bay Leave

Tomatoes Sauce

  • 1200 g Cherry Tomatos
  • 4 Tomatoes
  • Half Onion
  • 6 pcs Dried Pepper Flakes


  • 1 Fresh Basil
  • 1 Fresh Rosemary


  • 2 tbsp Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 1/2 tsp  Himalayan Salt
  • 1 tsp  Homemade Chicken Powder
  • 1/2 tsp  Homemade Garlic Powder



1. Soak beans in water overnight.


2. Cherry tomatoes cut into half. Bake in oven 160ºC for about 1 and a half hour until the tomatoes are half dried. Blend with a food processing machine.


3. Cut onion to half, 1 half finely chopped. Big tomatoes diced.


4. Drain the beans. Transfer to a large pot. Cover beans with 10 inches of water.  Add the beans salt and bay leaf.

5. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat, cover the lid and simmer until beans are tender but not bursting, about 45 mins to 1 hour.  Drain, and remove onion, carrot and bay leaf, discard.

6. Bring a large pot of water to a boil. Meanwhile, hull the stems from your tomatoes and slice a shallow “X” in the bottom. Fill a bowl with ice and water and set it next to the stove. Working in batches, drop several tomatoes into the boiling water. Watch for their skins to start to wrinkle and split, 45 to 60 seconds, then scoop them out with a slotted spoon and transfer them to the ice water bath. Once cooled, transfer the tomatoes to a cutting board. Use your fingers or a paring knife to peel back the tomato skins. Coarsely chopped.


7. Heat oil in another cast iron pot. Add chopped onion, cook until little brown and tender. Add chopped tomatoes, basil and rosemary. Bring it to boil. Add baked cherry tomatoes. Blend it to tomatoes using a hand blender. Season with sugar, homemade chicken powder, garlic powder and salt.



8.  Add tomatoes sauce to the beans and simmer, stirring occasionally, until tomato sauce thickens. Cover with lid and remove from heat. The beans will keep warm inside the cast iron pot. Dizzle with oil and sprinkle with Parmesan Cheese just before serving.


9. If the stew is made in advance, be sure to remove bay leave and let the beens cool before refrigerating. It can be refrigerated for up to 3 days. It should be reheated gently over medium-low heat.

Homemade Baked Beans in Tomatoes Sauce


  • 白腰豆 Cannellini Bean 350 g (又名白腎豆、海軍豆)
  • 月桂葉 Bay Leave 3 片
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/2 小匙


  • 聖女番茄 Cherry Tomatos 1200 g (2 磅)
  • 大番茄 Tomatoes 4 ~ 6 個
  • 洋蔥 Onion 半個
  • 紅椒乾 Dried Pepper Flakes 6 片 (可用 1 大匙 紅椒粉 Paprika 代替)

香草 ( 新鮮香草是最理想的,如沒有可用乾燥的代替 ):

  • 鮮採羅勒 Basil 1 棵
  • 迷迭香 Rosemary 1 棵

調味料 ( 可依自己口味調較 ):

  • 原蔗糖 Demerara Raw Cane Sugar 2 大匙
  • 岩鹽 Himalayan Salt 1/2 小匙
  • 自製雞粉 Homemade Chicken Powder 1 小匙 (自製鮮味粉都可以)
  • 蒜粉 Homemade Garlic Powder 1 小匙 (自製蒜粉點這裏)
  1. 白腰豆浸泡清水最少 12 小時,夏天要放進冰箱浸泡
  2. 聖女番茄切半,放進烤箱 160ºC 烤 1 小時 30 分,時間視乎各家烤箱要自行調較。把聖女番茄烤至半乾,就可以用了
  3. 半個洋蔥切大塊,半個洋蔥切幼丁
  4. 把泡過白腰豆的水倒去,把白腰豆轉移到白珐瑯鑄鐵鍋內,重新加入清水,水要蓋過白腰豆約 5 cm,加入月桂葉一起煮
  5. 大火煮沸騰後,轉至最小火,讓豆子不能翻滾,否則豆子容易煮爛,不能保持原來的形狀,變成豆泥了。確認鍋內的豆子沒有翻滾後,蓋上鍋蓋,小火熬 45 ~ 1 小時
  6. 煮豆時預備番茄汁。大番茄表面切十字,放入一鍋熱水中煮 5 ~ 8 分鐘,撈起,再放入冷水中,讓番茄皮分離,去皮後切丁備用
  7. 在另一個黑鑄鐵鍋中,加少許油,放入洋蔥幼丁,中火炒香至稍為焦糖色,加入大番茄丁,紅椒乾,炒至番茄肉溶化,調至小火,加入聖女番茄泥,羅勒和迷迭香,拌勻,加蓋悶 10 分鐘。熄火,用手提攪拌機打成番茄泥,開小火,煮至濃稠。如你只有果汁攪拌機,就要放涼後取移到機內打泥
  8. 取一顆白腰豆, 用手指一壓即碎成豆泥,就可以熄火。撈起白腰豆,瀝乾水份
  9. 加入調味料:糖、鹽、蒜粉和雞粉,覺得味道滿意,把番茄泥加進白腰豆加中,小火加熱, 邊攪拌邊把番茄醬煮至濃稠,濃稠的番茄醬加熱時容易濺起,白腰豆很容易煮焦,要多加攪拌。 離火,再悶約 1 小時入味,即可享用


Homemade Chicken Powder 

自製雞粉【真正雞肉做】Homemade Chicken Powder


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