Homemade Goldfish Crackers ( Gluten Free )

小金魚起司餅乾【無麩質無人工香料】小朋友最愛的零食 Homemade Goldfish Crackers Recipe @beanpandacook

? 點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Even as an adult, who doesn’t love Goldfish crackers? However, stored bought crackers are made with bleached white flour, additives, preservatives and food dyes.  Goldfish Cheese Crackers are actually easy-to-make at home.  You can have fun with your cookie cutters to make cheesy crackers in any shape or just make your own gold fish cutters.  Want to try ?



Fish Cutters

  • 1 Plastic Bottle ( 24 cm Diameter )



1. Make your own fish cookie cutter with a plastic bottle. ( Watch Video )


2. In a big bowl, sift rice flour, potato flour, add garlic powder and onion powder, mix well.  Take out unsalted butter from fridge before use. Cut into slices or cubes.


3. Use your fingertips, rub the butter and cheese with the flour mixture until it breaks into small pieces. Add ice water and press into a rectangular dough.


4. Preheat the oven to 170ºC. Using a rolling pin, roll out the dough between two sillicon baking mat until it’s a 3 ~ 4 cm thick. You may use a chopsticks to help you get a dough with even thickness.


5.  Cut fish shaped cookies out of the dough and place on baking sheet. Use a toothpick to draw in an eye and a smile on the dough. Continue until the dough is used up completely. Leave spaces between fish as it will expand during baking.


6. Bake crackers for 15 minutes or until slightly puffed and crispy. Shut down the oven, slightly open the oven door, let the crackers sit on the tray until cool. You will get crispy crackers.

7. After cooling, place crackers over the kitchen paper to absorb excess oil. Keep in air-tight container for 1 weeks.


  • 切達 (車打 起司 Sharp Cheddar Cheese 100 g)
  • 無鹽奶油 Unsalted Butter 20 g
  • 粘米粉/在來米粉 Rice Flour 30 g
  • 馬鈴薯澱粉 (片粟粉 Potato Starch 30 g)
  • 洋蔥粉 Onion Powder 1/4 小匙 (自製點這裏)
  • 蒜粉 Garlic Powder 1/4 小匙 (自製點這裏)
  • 冰水 Ice Water 1 小匙


  • 直徑 24 cm 塑膠罐 1 個
  1. 製作小魚餅模,剪開塑罐,剪裁一個高約 2 cm 的長帶,再剪開一半,每端向內 1 cm 對摺 2 次,在接口處用膠紙黏好,即能屈曲成小金魚的形狀 ( 看影片 )
  2. 米粉、馬鈴薯澱粉過篩,加入洋蔥粉、蒜粉混合均勻。從冰箱取出奶油,切薄片或切丁
  3. 奶油及起司加入米粉中,用指尖將奶油、起司及乾粉混合,壓碎成粗糙麵糰碎。加入冰水,按壓成麵糰,如麵糰太乾散開,可多加 1/2 大匙冰水
  4. 預熱烤箱至 170ºC,把麵糰放在烤盤布上,用麵棍壓成厚約 3 ~ 4 mm 的麵糰,麵糰兩旁可放筷子,有助壓出一致的厚度
  5. 用塑膠小魚模壓出麵糰,魚尾的部份容易裂開,脫模時可用筷子小心把麵糰推出,魚尾真的裂開了也不要緊,和魚身黏在一起就行了,烤的時候起司和奶油會溶化,餅乾自然形成一塊。餅乾之間留空隙給麵糰膨脹
  6. 送入烤箱 160ºC 烤 12 ~ 14 分鐘,當餅乾變為金黃色,即可關掉烤箱,烤箱門打開少許,不用急於取出餅乾,讓餅乾放在烤盤上自然冷卻,口感更酥脆
  7. 放涼後放在廚房紙巾上,吸一點油份,放在密封罐內,可存放 1 週


19 thoughts on “Homemade Goldfish Crackers ( Gluten Free )

  1. 老師,謝謝你無私的分享。試做了,成品是非常的好吃.我的兒子對gluten and egg過敏,這個小魚餅乾對他來說實在是太美味了. 老師,請問你如果想要做原味的,衹要不要放cheese就可以了嗎?

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