Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe

Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe

  • 草莓 (士多啤梨 450 g ( 新鮮 ))
  • 檸檬汁 30 ml
  • 原蔗冰糖 120 g (這個用糖量偏低,果醬煮出來會較稀,可自行調節)
  • 自製青蘋果啫喱 1 大匙 (沒有可以省略)
  1. 用 100°C 沸水煮玻璃樽 5 分鐘或以上消毒,送進烤箱以 100°C 烤乾,或倒置放乾,或用電風筒吹乾,備用。把小盤子放進冰箱,作測試果醬凝固點之用
  2. 草莓放在流水中沖洗約數分鐘,洗淨,去蒂,切成兩半,大顆的草莓切成 4 份
  3. 大碗中,草莓加入冰糖、檸檬汁混合均勻後,放入冰箱冷藏 4 小時,若能泡上一夜更好。若非送禮,可省去這步驟,草莓水份多,果醬的顏色很快因氧化而變淡,以糖和檸檬汁漬醃,可防止氧化,草莓果醬放久了還可保持原來鮮艷漂亮的紅色 ^^
  4. 將草莓倒入鍋中,以中火熬煮,輕輕攪拌,撈起泡沫,熬煮約 5 ~ 10 分鐘至濃稠,進行測試。加入青蘋果啫喱一起熬煮,可增加膠質,並縮減熬煮的時間
  5. 趁熱入瓶,倒置冷卻,再反過來時會聽到「卟」一聲,瓶內即呈現真空狀態,放冰箱可貯存 2 ~ 3 個月

草莓果醬【不失敗】教你 4 個方法測試凝固點 新手果醬教學  Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe   @beanpandacook

   點這裡免費訂閱肥丁 YouTube 頻道 https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

A tasty strawberry jam is fast and easy to make, this simple jam is a delight on morning toast. Store-bought versions are full of sugar and artificial flavourings, make your own during the best of the season’s berries. This strawberry jam is soft, spreadable and delicious without using a pectin.



1. Sterilised glass jar in boiling water for 10 mins. Dry it in oven at 100°C or using a hair dryer. Chilled a dish in the freezer for freezing test later.

2. Rinse strawberries over running water for few mins. Hulled and cut in half, for the big on, cut into four sections.

3. In a mixing bowl, mix strawberries, crashed rock sugar and lemon juice. Chill in refrigerator for at least 4 hours. This process help to preserve the beautiful red colour of the strawberries.

4. In a saucepan, bring the strawberries to full rolling boil that cannot be stirred down, over high heat, stirring frequently. Skim off an scum as possible. Add apple jelly if you don’t want to cook too long. Simmer for 10 ~ 15 mins and remove from heat.

5. Do a freezing test. If it is done. Ladle into hot jars/canning jars, leaving 1.5 cm headspace, wipe rims and add lids and bands. Over turn the jar to seal. Keep in the fridge for up to 2 ~ 3 months.

4 Ways to Make Sure Your Jam Sets Up

  • Freezer test. At the beginning of cooking, put two or three small plates or bowls in the freezer. As you begin to approach the end of cooking, pull one out and put a small dollop of jam into the middle of the dish. Gently nudge the dollop of jam with the tip of your finger. If it has formed a skin on top that wrinkles a bit when pushed, it is done. If it is still quite liquid and your finger runs right through it, it’s not done yet.
  • Drop the boiling jam into cold water. It is done if the jam keeps a solid in the water and drop straightly to the bottom.
  • Watch the way the jam drips. Swirl your spatula through your cooking jam, hold it up over the pot, and watch how it falls. If the jam runs right off the spoon and looks thin and runny, it’s not done yet. However, if it forms thick droplets that hang heavily off the bowl of the utensil, but don’t immediately fall off, it is either nearing completion or is done.
  • Use a candy thermometer. When you’re making jam with traditional amounts of sugar, you’re aiming to cook it to105°C/220°F. That’s the temperature at which sugar forms a gel and can bond with the pectin. Monitoring the temperature can give you confirmation that you’re on the right track.

15 thoughts on “Homemade Strawberry Jam Recipe

  1. 肥丁你好,书上写果酱熬好后倒扣冷却后,再倒转正放,要在室温放置3-7天使果酱成熟,但现在天气常常已经超过25度以上了,是不是冷却后直接发冰箱冷藏?这样是否影响果酱成熟?果酱成熟与否有什么区别特征吗?

    1. 請問你問是我的食譜書嗎?其他的食譜書的話抱歉我沒法回答唷

  2. 肥丁,您好,想做单独的苹果果酱,菠萝果酱之类的,糖和柠檬该加多少呢?谢谢

    1. 陽光
      糖量按水果的重量來計算就可以了,以蘋果雪梨果醬為例,兩種水果合共 550 g,糖 150 g,比例是 3.5 : 1。只有蘋果也是一樣的比例。 糖的作用是防腐,檸檬是抗氧化(保持果醬的色澤)和幫助煮出果膠,因為每種水果的甜度、水份和果膠含量不一樣,沒有一定的比例,肥丁的配方是實作後微調的。另外,糖量愈多,保存期愈長,不過肥丁覺得比較喜歡吃新鮮的,所以每次只做少量,糖量盡量減少,吃完再做。

  3. 您好,谢谢你的回复。做了樱桃果酱,味道和草莓的很相似。材料比例和草莓用的一样,腌制后打成泥熬的,大约用了20分钟,测试后可以凝固但比较稀,基本算成功。请问,现在这个温度不开瓶的话,也可以在室温保存吗?

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