3 Ingredients Flourless Peanut Butter Cookies Recipe

3 種材料做花生曲奇餅乾  無添加 自製花生醬 How to make peanut cookie @beanpandacook

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Heavy, yummy, and very peanut-buttery. These flourless cookies are a dream if you’re going gluten-free. 

Ingredients ( Makes 30 )



Click Here Watching Demonstration Video

1. In a medium bowl, beat the egg lightly.


2. In a large mixing bowl, place the chilled peanut butter, add eggs in two batches, mix with rubber spatula.


3. Combine brown sugar, baking soda and punch of salt. Add to the peanut mixture with fingertips until well combined. Don’t over knead or mix. Because there is not gluten in the dough, the dough would be a little bit loose.


4. Spoon 1 tsp of the mixture about 1 inch apart onto ungreased baking sheets.


5. Preheat oven to 160ºC. Flatten the mounds with the tines of a fork, making a crosshatch pattern on the cookies.


6. Bake until golden around the edges, about 11 minutes,  you might switching the position of the sheets halfway through baking.  It is nearly done when you smell a strong favour of peanut. Remove from oven, let it stand for a while before transfer to racks to cool.

花生曲奇餅乾【無麵粉/奶油】How to make Peanut Cookiepeanut_cookie_03

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