Chilled Edamame with Star Anise and Garlic

蒜香毛豆【鮮甜】下酒菜  毛豆這樣做就是不一樣 Garlic Edamame Recipe @beanpandacook

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Edamame are green soybeans. Steamed edamame in the pod are a healthful snack that you can season lots of ways.  In Taiwan they’re commonly seasoned with star anise and minced garlic,salt-boiled in pods are eaten by squeezing beans out of pods with fingers.  It’s a lip-smacking appetizer to serve with beer.



  • 500 g Unshelled Fresh Edamame
  • 1 tbsp Coarse Sea Salt
  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • 1 tsp Demerara Raw Cane Sugar
  • 1 Star Anise
  • 400 ml Water


  • 1/2 tsp Himalayan Salt
  • 1 tsp Seasame Oil
  • Ground Black Pepper
  • 1 tsp Diced Garlic


1. In a big mixing bow, sprinkle a pinch of salt and rub vigorously edamame with coarse salt for about 10 mins to remove surface hair.


2. Then rinse off the salt.


3. Place the edamame in a frying pan and add enough boiling water to half cover them ( about 400 ml depends on your size of pan ). Add Himalayan salt, sugar and star anise. Bring it to a boil and turn to medium heat. Cover with lid and simmer for 3 mins. Remove from heat.


4.  Let edamame cool down slowly. Drain edamame in a colander. Don’t cool it in ice water otherwise edamame will lose elasticity.


5. Place cooled edamame in a mixing bowl, add more Himalayan salt and black pepper to taste. Mixe well. Chilled in fridge for about half a hour before adding sesame oil. Add minced garlic when serve.


  • Make it overnight taste better
  • If you don’t want too many seasonings, just skip it


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