Pâtes de Fruits (No Pectin)


  • 青蘋果 Green Apple 3 個
  • 清水 Water 900 ml
  • 原蔗冰糖 Raw Rock Sugar 90 g (敲碎)
  • 寒天粉 Kanten 1 小匙
  • 檸檬汁 Lemon Juice 30 ml (2 大匙)

覆盆子 (樹莓) 口味

  • 覆盆子  150 g
  • 基本材料

百香果 (熱情果) 口味

  • 百香果  2 個
  • 基本材料


  • 藍莓   125 g
  • 基本材料
  1. 青蘋果洗乾淨,用軟刷刷除青蘋果表皮的蠟,去芯去蒂,不用去皮,每個切 4 份
  2. 青蘋果和清水放入鍋中,小火熬煮 45 分鐘 ~ 1 小時,把青蘋果煮至果肉完全軟爛,離火,稍為放涼。青蘋果果膠必須經過長時間熬煮才能熬出來,
  3. 把青蘋果連水倒入棉布袋中,將棉布袋檸緊,把富含果膠的蘋果汁榨出來,擠出青蘋果汁約 300 ml,果泥要盡量榨乾,直到沒有水出來為止。如果汁超過 300 ml,最好把果泥和果汁再熬煮一會,水份再蒸發一下
  4. 青蘋果汁加入覆盆子,用手提攪拌機打碎成果汁,用網篩過濾,倒入鍋中,加入寒天粉、敲許原蔗冰糖、檸檬汁,攪拌均勻
  5. 大火煮至沸騰,沸騰後調至小火,如有浮沫舀起,小火熬煮 15 ~ 20 分鐘,直至濃稠, 不時攪拌一下,把水份再蒸發一半至約 200 ml,果汁的顏色會愈來愈深,攪拌起來有黏稠的感覺,離火
  6. 把濃稠的果汁倒入玻璃盒內凝固,稍為冷卻後放進冰箱,凝固速度會快一點
  7. 軟糖凝固後,手指輕按有會輕微回彈。用刀子在玻璃盒邊推開,放入少量空氣,把玻璃盒翻面,凝固的軟糖便會整塊掉下來,切成丁方塊狀,即可享用


青蘋果果膠【純天然果膠、果醬必備】Apple Jelly

不使用果膠粉❗️把家裡的水果都做成軟糖吧  @beanpandacook

✅ 訂閱肥丁 YouTube https://goo.gl/rBq3rJ

Pâtes de Fruits,  brightly hued chewy treat French dessert. It is made of with fresh fruits, sugar and pectin.  It is also one of my favourite snack.

I have made a green apple jelly with boiling the whole green apple and its peel together with water. Then squeezing our the juice with a cotton page.  The juice mixed with lemon juice and sugar can be boiled into a thick and gummy fruit juice,  It will solidify when set cool.

Then I try to make my own Pâtes de Fruits without Pectin.

The characteristics of solidification of green apple juice as the base of the candy. Strengthen the candy with Kanten powder so that it won’t melt and stick together at room temperature.  So I skip rolling sugar on the candy.

I have try three flavour, raspberry, blueberries, passion fruit. They all taste very good.

Basic Ingredients

  • 3 Green Apple
  • 900 ml Water
  • 90 g Raw Rock Sugar
  • 1 tsp  Kanten Powder
  • 30 ml  Lemon Juice

Raspberry Flavour

  • 150 g Raspberry
  • Basic Ingredients

Passion Fruits Flavour

  • 2 Passion Fruits
  • Basic Ingredients

Blueberry Flavour

  • 125 g Blueberry
  • Basic Ingredients


1.Rise the wax on green apple skin with a soft. Cut away the the core. Do not peel. Each green apple cut into 4 pieces.

2.   Add green apples and water into a saucepan and bring to boil.  Turn to low heat and simmer for 45 minutes to 1 hour.  Cook the green apple until the pulp is completely soft rotten. Remove from heat and let it cool down. 

3. Place the green apple pulp into the cotton bag. Squeezed out the pectin-rich apple juice.  You will get about 300 ml amber colour green apple juice.  If the juice is more than 300 ml, it is not concentrated enough. Return the apple pulp and juice into the saucepan and boiled for a while until you get smaller volume of apple juice.

4. Blend raspberry and green apple juice with a hand mixer. Sieve the juice in to a bowl. Pour the juice into a saucepan, add kanten powder, Demerara raw cane sugar and lemon juice, stir well. 

5. Bring the juice to boil.  Return to low heat and simmer for 15 to 20 minutes to a thick, sticky and concentrated liquid to about 200 ml.  Keep stirring from time to time.  The more concentrated the liquid, the more darker the juice colour.


6. Pour the concentrated liquid into a glass container (10 x 10 x 7 cm ).  Let it cool down before going to the fridge.

7.  The candies will set fully in about few hours in the fridge. When you’re ready to remove, run a knife between the container and the candy—like you do with brownies. Then upside down,  the candy will loosen and fall down from the glass container very easily.  Cut candies into cubes or the size of your choice.


  • Store in fridge for up to 1 ~ 2 weeks
  • Sour fruits makes the best results

Different between Kanten and Agar

  • It’s a natural vegetable gelatin, which is approximately 80% fiber.  It’s suitable for vegetarian and vegan diets.
  • Japanese consider agar and kanten a separate ingredient because they come from different algae. Agar is from Carrageenan, which is extracted from red edible seaweed.  Kanten is made of Gelidiales, red edible seaweed.
  • It sets more firmly than gelatin and is able to set at room temperature. Unlike gelatin, it can stay in jelly form at warmer temperature.


  • 青蘋果 Green Apple 3 個
  • 清水 Water 900 ml
  • 原蔗冰糖 Raw Rock Sugar 90 g (敲碎)
  • 寒天粉 Kanten 1 小匙
  • 檸檬汁 Lemon Juice 30 ml (2 大匙)

覆盆子 (樹莓) 口味

  • 覆盆子  150 g
  • 基本材料

百香果 (熱情果) 口味

  • 百香果  2 個
  • 基本材料


  • 藍莓   125 g
  • 基本材料
  1. 青蘋果洗乾淨,用軟刷刷除青蘋果表皮的蠟,去芯去蒂,不用去皮,每個切 4 份
  2. 青蘋果和清水放入鍋中,小火熬煮 45 分鐘 ~ 1 小時,把青蘋果煮至果肉完全軟爛,離火,稍為放涼。青蘋果果膠必須經過長時間熬煮才能熬出來,
  3. 把青蘋果連水倒入棉布袋中,將棉布袋檸緊,把富含果膠的蘋果汁榨出來,擠出青蘋果汁約 300 ml,果泥要盡量榨乾,直到沒有水出來為止。如果汁超過 300 ml,最好把果泥和果汁再熬煮一會,水份再蒸發一下
  4. 青蘋果汁加入覆盆子,用手提攪拌機打碎成果汁,用網篩過濾,倒入鍋中,加入寒天粉、敲許原蔗冰糖、檸檬汁,攪拌均勻
  5. 大火煮至沸騰,沸騰後調至小火,如有浮沫舀起,小火熬煮 15 ~ 20 分鐘,直至濃稠, 不時攪拌一下,把水份再蒸發一半至約 200 ml,果汁的顏色會愈來愈深,攪拌起來有黏稠的感覺,離火
  6. 把濃稠的果汁倒入玻璃盒內凝固,稍為冷卻後放進冰箱,凝固速度會快一點
  7. 軟糖凝固後,手指輕按有會輕微回彈。用刀子在玻璃盒邊推開,放入少量空氣,把玻璃盒翻面,凝固的軟糖便會整塊掉下來,切成丁方塊狀,即可享用


青蘋果果膠【純天然果膠、果醬必備】Apple Jelly

24 thoughts on “Pâtes de Fruits (No Pectin)

  1. 肥丁你好,请问没有原蔗冰糖,可以用原蔗糖代替吗?请问煮好了放在冰箱冷冻格冷藏需要多久的时间凝固?我放了3个小时都未凝固

    1. 原蔗糖的甜度比冰糖高

  2. 肥丁你好~非常感謝你的分享:)
    想請問為什麼用蘋果果膠yellow pectin 做出來的軟糖可以常溫放3個月,青蘋果提煉的果膠做的軟糖需要冷藏1-2週呢?是因為前者是粉末的原因嗎?


    1. 果膠粉有經過複雜的提煉程序
      organic 的食材不適合室溫存放

      1. 了解~感謝你的解說:)我有試過您這份配方,很有意思,成品也很好吃:P


        1. 食譜分享到網絡上有其他人願意嘗試
          吉利T 和 吉利丁是兩種不同的物質
          而植物性吉利 T 凝固點在室溫 35C 就會凝固

    1. 原蔗冰糖是用原蔗糖加工結晶而成

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