Green Bean Ball


Ingredients ( 16 粒 )

  • 125 g Split Mung Beans  ( Yellow Mung Beans )
  • 250 ml Water
  • 15 g Palm Sugar
  • 10 ~ 20 g Shredded Dry Coconut  ( Fresh shredded coconut taste better )
  • 1 Tsp Wheat Starch ( Optional )


  • 200 g Rock Sugar
  • 125 g Water



1. Rinse and Drain split mung beans, put it in a saucepan together with 250 ml water. Cook with medium heat for 15 minutes.  Scoop up the foam. Keep stirring when the water nearly cooked off. Remove from heat. Add sugar, salt and wheat starch, keep stirring until sugar melt and the mixture become dense. Cool completely.


2. Break the rock sugar into small pieces. Heat together with 125 g water in a pan with low heat.  Don’t remove from heat before the bean ball is ready.


3. Separate egg yolk and egg white. Whisk egg yolk.


4. Use a hand blender, blend mung bean until smooth. Shaped the bean ball like a cocoon, place them on a plate.


5. Dip each bean ball into the egg mix, then dip into the cooking syrup for 30 seconds, turnover the bean ball with a spoon and cook for another 30 seconds, coating each one well.  It is done till the bean ball float up to the surface. Cool on rack. Serve cool.


  • Palm Sugar is available in solid or granular form. Solid palm sugar can be quite hard, break it into small pieces before cooking. Palm sugar could be replace by any kind of granular sugar.
  • Soaked split mung beans up to 1 hour before cooking will get smoother texture.


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