Homemade Salted Lemon 醃鹹檸檬【檸香更昇華】



  • 20 Lime
  • 1000 g Sea Salt



1. Rinse and dry lime with towel. Don’t remove the pedicle, let it dry over night


2. In a shallow dish, pour a thin layer of coarse salt, add limes, then poured coarse salt until it is completely covered with salt. There is no need to cover with lid or plastic wrap. Let it marinate for about one week and the limes will slowly leaking water.  Lime skin will turn yellow or brown and shrink gradually.  Don’t let lime exposed to air, use a clean spoon to scoop up the coarse salt covering lime from time to time. It doesn’t matter that the coarse salt gets wet because it will be replaced by new coarse salt. The limes are ready to bottled when their volume shrink to 1/3


3. Sterilised a big glass jar (Click here ). Place a thin layer of coarse salt at the bottom. Pick up the lime into the bottle using a clean dry chopsticks. A layer of lime covered with a layer of salt, and so on, until bottle filled up


4. Covered with lid. Label the date. Place the bottle in a cool place. Let it stand for about a year or more. If the salt turn into brine, add more salt to cover the lime. Don’t let lime expose to air. I used to marinade for half a year. It is done with no bitter taste.


73 thoughts on “Homemade Salted Lemon 醃鹹檸檬【檸香更昇華】

  1. 老師你好,

  2. 老師你好,
    請問我浸左鹹青檸 八個月 放在陰涼處 但冇起色 由於我住在加拿大 多倫多 請問天氣差別 是否會影響 鹹檸檬出水嘅速度?

  3. 青檸跟你的方法先做「鹽浴」, 換鹽醃了7個月, 只出了很少水, 頂部還可以見到鹽粒, 青檸變成棕色, 這個情況理想嗎?

  4. 请问老师,我的咸柠檬已经1年了取出1粒试试结果只切1片泡水咸到不行而且盐味很重,泡到第2杯还是咸。需要洗洗才泡吗?

    1. 檸檬若曝露在空氣裡沒接觸鹽有機會發霉的

  5. 肥丁老師好:幾天前有照老師的方法醃漬檸檬、已3天了還沒看到出水、請問老師一星期後就會缩到1/3嗎?在請問檸檬是有分泡鹽水的檸檬知乾的檸檬嗎?老師教的、我看是乾的。請老師回復、謝謝

      1. 哦,那之前的一个月那些柠檬还是很多没泡到水,我每天都会来回倒一下,让没有泡倒水的都沾到盐水,我刚开了一个,没有异味,应该没坏吧,现在再加盐不会晚了吧?谢谢你

  6. 肥丁你好,在網上搜尋鹹檸檬的醃法來到你這裡!可否問,很多方式都是要在瓶子注入滾水,但肥丁你這兒沒有呢!是不是因為在醃的過程青檸會出水,風味較為原汁原味,所以不用另外注入滾水呢?

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