Granola Pink Pitaya Greek Yogurt Serradura Pudding Recipe 加拿大燕麥木糠布丁 低脂 療癒到無法自拔

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少女 Pink 夢幻甜品超療癒 ! ??? 只要三種低脂食材,加拿大脆穀物包含五種高纖維全穀物 ~ 燕麥、大麥、米通、杏仁、凍乾樹莓,打碎取代餅乾,希臘式乳酪(優格)取代鮮忌廉(鮮奶油),紅肉火龍果的天然色素,木糠布丁也可以健康吃﹗

Ingedienst   (Serve 4 @300ml )

  • 360 g Rogers Low Fat Raspberry Almond Five Grain Granola 
  • 400 g Greek Yogurt 
  • 240 g Pink Pitaya  (1 pcs)


1.   Cut pink pitaya to half. Cut the grid but don’t cut through the skin. Put into a zip bag, flatten and seal. Freeze. 

2. Blend to smoothie

3.  Measure the weight of greek yogurt. Add pitaya smoothie in different proportions. Start the stirring from the lightest colour. Mix to gradient pink. Put it into the refrigerator. 

  • White Layer ~ 100 g Greek Yogurt
  • Light Pink ~  15 g Pink Pitaya Smoothie + 240 g Greek Yogurt
  • Pink ~    80 g Pink Pitaya Smoothie + 150 gGreek Yogurt
  • Dark Pink ~  145 gPink Pitaya Smoothie + 40 gGreek Yogurt 

4. Powder the granola in a blender.  Measure the weight of granola powder of each layer

     (From bottom to top)

  • 30 g First layer 
  • 20 g for the second, third and fourth layers
  • 10 g Top layer

5. In a glass, add spoonful of granola powder. I use a honey dipper and teaspoon, making sure all the sides and corners are covered

6. Then spoon in the greek yogurt. Push greek yogurt to the glass sides. Keep other areas of the glass sides clean. 

7. Then again granola powder (20g).  Then the lightest colour pitaya greek yogurt.  Granola powder  (20g). Pitaya greek yogurt. Granola powder  (20g). The darkest pitaya greek yogurt.  Till it reaches the top. Evenly flatten with a tea spoon. Wipe the edge of the glass with a kitchen paper. 

8. Refrigerate till set for at least 1 hours or more and dig in. 

加拿大燕麥木糠布丁 Pitaya Granola Greek Yogurt Serrandura Pudding Recipe

  • 360 g 男爵低脂紅桑莓杏仁脆穀物 Rogers Low Fat Raspberry Almond Five Grain Granola
  • 400 g 希臘式全脂乳酪(優格) Greek Yogurt
  • 240 g 紅肉火龍果 Pink Pitaya ( 1 個 ) 
  1. 火龍果切開四份,在果肉上切格子,不用切斷果皮,從邊緣削下果肉,放入保鮮袋,密封,鋪平,放進冷凍庫急凍成冰

  2. 用調理機打成沙冰

  3. 量度乳酪的重量,按不同的比例加入火龍果沙冰,從最淺色開始攪拌,調出三種漸層深淺不同的顏色,拌均勻後,放進冰箱冷藏備用

    白色層 100 g 乳酪

    淺粉紅色 15 g 火龍果沙冰 + 240 g 乳酪

    粉紅色 80 g 火龍果沙冰 + 150 g 乳酪

    深粉紅色  145 g 火龍果沙冰 + 40 g 乳酪 

  4. 加拿大五穀脆穀物用調理機打成粉末狀態,量度每一層的重量:



    第二、三、四層各 20 g

    頂層 10 g

  5. 開始裝杯,底部放入第一層加拿大穀物粉,輕輕搖晃使平均分佈,用蜂蜜棒輕輕壓緊穀物粉

  6. 用小勺輕壓整理邊緣,每一層成水平線就會漂亮一點

  7. 放入原味希臘式乳酪,用小刮刀輕輕推向杯壁,乳酪不要沾到杯壁的其他位置,若沾到杯壁,用沾濕的廚房紙巾擦乾淨,分層才清晰漂亮

  8. 一層加拿大穀物粉(30g),一層淺粉紅色火龍果乳酪,一層加拿大穀物粉(20g),粉紅色火龍果乳酪,一層加拿大穀物粉(20g),深粉紅色火龍果乳酪,最後撒上薄薄一層加拿大穀物粉(10g),用小勺均勻壓平,用廚房紙巾擦乾淨杯邊緣

  9. 冷藏 1 小時,希臘式乳酪會硬一點,口感更像傳統的木糠布丁

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